33 - Check up

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Collins POV

I wake up happy, remembering that there is going to be a child running around here in nine months. I look over at my sleeping wife, and kiss her cheek. "Wake up flounder, the check up is in an hour, we slept in till eleven." I laugh. She rolls over and pulls me close to her.

"Five more minutes.." She mutters. "Nope, care for our little baby comes first." I tease, tickling her. "Fine! Collins...ill..get..up!" She laughs through tickles. She rolls out of bed and lands with a thud on the floor. "Ouch." I go and help her up and we walk out to the kitchen, to find Vanessa already up and making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Vanessa your amazing." I laugh, scoffing the pre made pancakes. "Leave some for your wife silly boy." She scolds, laughing while eating her own pancake. I oblique and put down the pancake.

Veronica comes in looking, gorgeous as always, but pretty deadly. "Um, Roni, you kinda look...uh...dead?" Vanessa mutters nervously, looking at her sister. "Well thanks. I'm going to have a shower, leave me some pancakes." She yawns, walking way.

"At least someone said it." I laugh. "Well, I knew you were thinking it."

- - -

We pull into the hospital and walk in. "Veronica Key Merrell for pregnancy checkup." I tell the lady at the counter. "Please take a seat in the red chairs, could be about thirty minutes we are running a bit late." I nod my head and the three of us sit down in the chairs.

"So have you thought of baby names?" Vanessa asks us happily. "Well, I like Myla a lot, and I do like Erika for girls, and for boys I like Jerrico." Flounder laughs. "I like that, Jerrico is cool becuase he could be called Jerry or Rico as nicknames." I add. "I dibs calling him Jerry!" Vanessa chimes in. "Oh Nessa, you seriously do name everything Jerry don't you." Veronica laughs, hugging me.

Veronicas POV

"Veronica Key Merrell?" A middle aged woman with short brown hair calls out. I stand up along with Nessa and Collins, and we walk into a small room and I lay on the bed. "So, I am going to give you an ultrasound. Can you please lift up your shirt to just below your breasts?" She asks, and I do so, revealing my slightly still tan stomach.

She puts some cold blue ointment on my stomach and rubs it in with a metal rod. "I feel like I'm Jane from Jane the..." I start, looking up at the screen. "Virgin?" The lady interrupts. "Yeah!" I nod, looking back at her. "I love that show!" She says excitedly. "Really? We are on it!" I look at Nessa and smile.

"I thought I recognized you! That's a great show, I'm so happy that there is a season 4, do you know anything about a season five?" She asks. Collins coughs and the lady blushes red. "Sorry, I shouldn't be asking these questions. If you look on the screen now you can see the outline of the fetus." She smiles, pointing to a tiny misshaped blob.

"Aww!" Me and Nessa sync. "That's our baby." Collins squeezes my hand. "You are about three weeks in. I will need to see you at five weeks, but we can tell you the gender at twenty weeks. The baby is totally healthy. Congratulations." She smiles. "Thank you so much!" I grin, as she wipes the stuff off me. "See you next time, my name is Rose, by the way." She laughs. "Coincidence seeing as a character is called rose ha. Bye then!" Nessa adds, pushing us out the door.

"She was nice." I smile. "A little bit pushy though." Nessa laughs. "Yeah. " I nod my head as we walk to the car. "I'm so happy the baby is healthy." Collins smiles, backing out of the parking space.

"Me too." Nessa says quietly, all of a sudden sitting back. "Nessa what's up?" I ask concerned, looking back at her. "I don't feel too good." She admits, her face going white.

I look around in panic and find a small trash bag. I quickly hand it to her just in time as she throws up into the bag. "That was close." I sigh. "Sorry." Nessa apologizes. "It's okay. I'm sure you just caught a bug from someone in the hospital, or someplace else." Collins smiles.

Nessa nods, a worried look still plastered on her face.


We arrive home and Nessa goes and lays on the couch. "Are you okay?" I ask for the fiftieth time. "Well obviously not. Can I have some water please?" She asks, turning on a movie. "Yes." I go get her a drink and hand it to her, as Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban starts to play.

"Roni." Collins pulls me aside. "Yes babe?" I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. "You wanna go on a date to night?" He blushes. "Hmm I'll have to think it through, are you worth it? When I could be using my time looking after my sick sister?" I pace around the room.

"Yes of course." I grin, hugging him. "Where are we going?" "It's a surprise." He whispers. "Well I need a dress code at least." I giggle. "Comfy yet cute. Something you can move around in, but not sweats." He grins. "Okay I'll see what I can do." I laugh. Kissing him and running to my room to gets changed.

A/n okay I know I haven't posted in forever. But on my wall (on my profile in the conversation section) I post reasons why, so if your not following me en please do, it makes it a lot easier to tell you when a chapter is coming, or if I'm running late, and you can also leave comments and suggestions for things you'd like to see. I'm working on a new book and it's a Varrison fanfic, but I'm not going to publish it until it's Veronica is complete. (It nearly is.) thanks for reading, ily!
Xx- zozobear

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