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Five years later...

Harrison and Nessa are happily married. Their wedding was on a beach if Hawaii with into their closest friends and family. They have Anika, age 5, and Mika and Tobias, age 2. They have been married for 3 years and have an anniversary coming up.

Collins and Roni are still married. They are happily in love and continue to cherish their family every day. They have Jerrico, age 6, and Myla and Millie, age 4.

Aaron was sent to jail for stealing a car, Angela was sent to a mental hospital, turns out she has issues up in the head.

Roni and Nessa live down the street from each other, in houses both with pools and two stories, so they still get to see each other very often. They still live in La, and are still youtubers but Nessa has moved into directing, and Roni into film editing/producing. Collins started a TV series with his magic, and crazy ideas and such, like a bigger YouTube platform. Harrison became a model for Calvin Klein, and he also got into art a little bit.

Anika is shy and likes to paint. She is smarter than the rest of the year one kids and you can see Nessas beautiful personality shining though. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes like her mother.

Jerrico is very good at making friends like his parents, and is very enthusiastic like his dad. He has Collins blue eyes and Ronis brown hair. Not as dark hair colour as Anika though.

Mika and Tobias are identical twins that get up to mischief at age 2. They both have crazy light brown hair and dark brown eyes, and are a lot of work but their parents love them and they are still amazing.

Myla and Millie are also  identical twins, both have blonde hair and Brown eyes, and their hair is longer than usual for 4 year olds. They are really funny like their mother and grandpa, and have their fathers artistic skills, not very good. Millie loves baking with her grandma, and Myla loves to dress up In costumes and put on plays that Millie helps with.

Both families are living very happy lives, so the saying is true.

There is a life after a happily ever after.


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