23 - Funeral

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Collins POV

We arrive in Greece and flounder runs around all excited, looking through windows and jumping up and down as we make our way to the hotel. We check in and put our stuff away in the room.

"What to do first?" Roni asks, phi on the bed and looking at a broceure of things to do. "Why don't we just go sightseeing? Jet lag will catch up some time today." I joke. She nods her head and we put on our shoes.

We leave the hotel and walk through the sparkling city of Greece. We walk through the loom, a famous shopping place in Athens, Greece. We look into nic-Nak shops and purchase a few items.

We continue to explore Athens until we both get extremely tired, and head back to the hotel. "I'm gonna take a power nap... Wake me up when it's dinner time." Roni yawns, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Okay flounder." I smile, picking her up and tucking her into bed. I kiss her gently and turn on the tv, playing a quiet sound and flicking through the channels. Nothing looks interesting so I pull out my laptop and edit some videos. I look over at the sleeping Veronica beside me and smile, what a lucky guy I am.

One week later

Vanessa's POV

"Okay, thank you daddy. See you soon. Bye." I hang up the phone and cry into Aaron's arms. "What happened?" He asks concerned. We were in the middle of eating when I got a call from my dad, and Aaron thought I was upset becuase I was crying.

"My, my nana passed. Nana uno in MT exposed. My parents found out this morning, my mum is devastated. The funeral is in two days, I think we should leave today instead of tomorrow, or early tomorrow so I can see my family first. Sorry to cut the trip short." I wipe a tear off my face and look up at Aaron.

"It's okay butterfly. I understand. My grandad passed last year, I know how it feels." He rubs my shoulder and kisses my forehead. I smile. "I said I was told to tell Roni, you mind?" I ask, pointing to my phone. "Go ahead." He smiles, helping me out of the chair and handing me some makeup wipes. "You'll need them." He laughs. I suppress a giggle and walk into the bathroom.

"Roni?" I say, as she answers the call. "Hey Nessa!" She says happily. "How's Hawaii?" "Good, well, it was good." I say, looking at my messed up mascara. "Was? What happened?" Roni asks concerned. "Well, daddy just called me, and they found out this morning, that, that Nana uno passed." I start crying, using the makeup wipes to help my mascara and tear stained face get clean.

"No..." Roni whispers, I can hear Collins comforting her in the background. "Yeah." "When...when's the funeral?" She asks sadly. "Two days. We are catching the next flight home from Hawaii, whether that be today or early tomorrow so we can spend time with everyone." I put the phone on speaker and splash my face with water.

"Okay, we will do the same thing. Text me when you get a flight and I'll text you." She replies. "Okay will do. I love you." "I love you too Nessa. Bye." "Bye." I hang up the phone and walk back into the restaurant. I sit down at the table and look at my half eaten plate of food.

"I don't feel like eating any more." I whisper, pushing the plate away from me. Aaron nods and cleans it up as well as his own. I smile and we stand up, walking out of the restaurant. "Let's go see what time the flight comes." Aaron smiles, holding my hand. I smile back, rests my head on his shoulder.


"When's the next flight to California?" I ask the lady and the register. "That would be in ten minutes. If you are wanting to book one, the next available flight for one person is at 3am, and another at 6am." The lady smiles. "How many spaces are there on the 6 o'clock flight?" I ask, looking up at Aaron.

"5. Would you like to book that flight?" The lady types on her computer then looks up at us. "Yes. Two people thank you." I smile as we make the transaction, and she hands us our tickets. "Thank you!" I smile, as we walk out.

We arrive back at the hotel and pack our things, before setting an alarm for 5:00 and falling asleep.

The next day
Veronicas POV

Me and Collins arrive to the front door and Collins picks me up. "What?" I laugh, as he carries me inside. "The groom is supposed to carry his bride through the house door after getting married." Collins laughs. "Oh yeah, we are married. I kinda forgot." I laugh.

Collins looks at me sternly. "I'm kidding! It just felt so chill, and I loved it. I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you." I kiss him before walking into our room and unpacking.


"Let's go to my parents house. You got all your things?" I ask Collins. He nods and we get in the car. We are driving to my parents to spend time with family before the funeral tomorrow. We are staying the night at there house, along with a lot of other people.

"Wait, so this is your mums mum we are talking about?" Collins asks again. I laugh. "Yes, and she is going to be very upset which is why we are getting her flowers." I smile, letting a tear escape my eye as I remember nana. "It's okay flounder, everything happens for a reason remember." He runs my shoulder and I smile.

We arrive at my parents house and I run inside and greet them. "Mum! Daddy!" I exclaim, running up to them and hugging them tight. "I shouldn't have gone, I should've stayed with her, I should've been there to say goodbye!" I cry into my mums shoulder.

"Hey. It's okay, you got married to your one true love, I'm sure nana is extremely proud of you and happy for you." My mum hugs me. Collins approaches and hands my mum the flowers. "Collins! You are so sweet. I am so happy you are in the family now." She says all emotional, pulling him in for a hug.

Me and Collins walk around the house, greeting and hugging family members, and catching up with people we haven't seen for a while. "Roni!" I hear a familiar voice scream. "Nessa!" I turn around and run towards her, engulfing her in a hug.

"I missed you so much." I cry into her hair. "I missed you too." We are both crying messes. Nessa runs up to hug mum and dad, while Aaron and Collins chat and catch up.

The funeral the next day

"We are gathered her today, to celebrate the life and memory, of nana uno. (I don't know her name) she was an inspiration to us all, cooking skills, funny jokes, even appeared on a rising YouTube channel with her grand daughters. We will love and remember her forever in our hearts. I now invite Wendy up to speak."

"My mum was amazing at everything, she helped me raise my two daughters, and helped keep Paul under control while she was there." Everyone laughs at this statement. "I know that my mum is going to do great things up in heaven with God, and will be watching over all of us with love."

She gestures for me and Nessa to come up onto the small stage, so I grab Nessas hand and walk up with her. "Nana uno was amazing, she could always tell us apart even if we tried switching on her." Nessa laughs. "She loved us no matter what, she would always be there for us and care for us, even when we moved away to California to pursue our dreams, she would call in just to say she was proud of us. And we love her eternally for that." I finish, pulling Nessa and my mum into a hug.

We all go sit down and the ceremony finishes. We walk outside and lay a flower on her casket, before the funeral car takes her away to be cremated. "I love you." I whisper, as the car turns the corner, and nana uno leaves our lives.

A/N aw. That was a sad chapter :( sorry I haven't posted, I had to many pictures of the twins and it was hogging my storage and didn't let me write. Anyway, keep voting and commenting so I know you like the story. Thanks for 5k on this story and 23k on my other story! This is crazy Oml thank you xx - zozobear

Twitter : zozomerrell go gimme a follow ;)

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