36 - Feelings?

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Veronicas POV

When we got back from the beach yesterday I noticed Harrison and Chris acting weird. Collins was being over protective of me as well, it's like all of there brains were hijacked by an alien or something.

Chris was looking at Nessa a lot at the beach, like more than normal. Harrison was looking at Chris looking at Nessa, with a bit of anger in his expression. I brushed it off when I was with them but now its worrying me.

"Collins?" I ask, shaken him awake. "Morning babe." He yawns, rolling over, his blue eyes looking at me. "Do you think Chris and Harry were acting weird yesterday?" I ask him, hugging him close.

"I like that you call him Harry. You guys are good friends. And they are always weird, so not really no. Why you ask?" He rolls me over and kisses my forehead. "No reason. Just thought they were acting a bit strange that's all." I smile.

We both roll out of bed and I walk into Nessas room to find her watching YouTube. "Hey Nessa." I smiles, sitting on the edge of her bed. "What's up Roni?" She asks, closing her computer.

"Do you like Chris or Harrison?" I blurt. "No..? Why are you asking?" She laughs nervously. "No reason. Just thought that they were acting weird yesterday and so were you." I smile. "Oh, okay. I think we need to tell the viewers your pregnant. And mum and dad." Nessa adds.

"Oh shoot I totally forgot they didn't know. Okay, I'll ask if we can come for dinner tomorrow, with Collins parents too. And Devan if that's okay." I grin, standing up and heading to the door. "Sounds perfect. Tell me if you think of any video ideas." Nessa says as I open the door.

"What do you mean?" "Like an idea on how to tell the twinners." She replies. "Oh right. See ya later. Me and Collins are going on a walk." I wave, leaving the room.

"Collins we are going on a walk." I walk into our room to find a half naked Collins. "Kinda getting dressed here babe. But okay. I'll be ready in five." He smiles, and I exit, walking to the kitchen and grabbing a snack.


"La is so pretty." I look around and the trees and people on the busy street. "Agreed." Collins squeezes my hand that is locked with his as we walk. "Oh let's this way!" Collins pulls me down a side street and around shops and trees.

"Where are we going?" I ask, trying to keep up with my husband. "You'll see." He grins, smirking back at me. I pull out my phone and take a moving picture of him leading me somewhere. "Your cute ya know." I smile.

We finally arrive in a big grassy field, full with long grass up to our waists, and a large oak tree with a swing attached to it. "It's beautiful." I smile. "Photos?"

We take a few photos of us together and separately on the swing and posing in the grass. Collins pushes me on the swim and I feel like an old school Disney movie. "Collins!" I scream, before flying off the swing and everything goes black.


"Roni are you okay?" Nessa asks, leaning over me. I squint and blink open my eyes to find myself in a familiar hospital room. "What happened?" I ask quietly, taking in my surroundings.

"You fell off a swing. I will have to check the babies health and I have been informed about your prior injury so I will check that as well." A nice nurse smiles at me. I look over at Collins who has tears in his eyes.

The nurse leaves for a moment and Collins bursts out crying. "Come here babe." I smile, gesturing him over. I pull him into a hug. "What if the baby is hurt? What if your foot needs surgery again? I shouldn't have brought you there the swing wasn't safe and I pushed you too high an-"

"Collins shush!" I laugh. "If anything happens we will face it together. It wasn't your fault it was no ones fault." I smile, kissing his nose. The nurse comes back in with some medical equipment and sets me up to a screen. She does an ultrasound on the baby to see its health.

"The baby looks fine, I will have to get it checked by your doctor but I believe it is okay. As for your foot.." She starts, poking and prodding at my foot. "You will have to get an X-Ray." She smiles, setting up some more equipment for an x Ray.

"And done. I will get these results back to you shortly, meanwhile you just stay put." She exits the room.

Vanessa's POV

When Collins texted me that Roni was in the hospital I came over immediately. While waiting for her x Ray results I got an idea for a video on how to tell everyone she is pregnant.

"Roni I got it!" I stand up smiling. "Got what?" She asks confused. "A video idea!"

I start scribbling ideas down on a piece of paper. "We can do a how things were named 2, but all about babies and pregnant stuff! Like, Bye Bea, for baby. And, Preg! An ant! For pregnant. Or, oh no I lost the key in the bin I guess it is a bin key now, for binky. Or something like that."

I suggest, handing Roni my piece of paper. She nods and I smile, hugging her. I go and sit back down when the nurse walks back in. "The baby is fully healthy, I got it checked by your doctor. Your foot is fine, you just need to not use it as much for the next two days and take this medication for the week and you will be good as new." She smiles.

"You can all leave now." The nurse says as she walks out the door. "Okay, let's go!" Roni smiles, getting up and walking to the car. "Remember, don't use it as much." I remind her as we get in the car.

"Yep got it. We are going round to mum and dads tomorrow right?" She asks. "Yep. And Collins parents will be there too." I smile. "We need to get them out so we can set up the surprise." Collins thinks. "What if we take them out to dinner? And since Roni can't move her foot very much you can stay home, and either Collins or I can stay with her and we can set up?" I suggest as we pull into the driveway.

"Perfect. I'll text them now, then I'm going for a nap. I'm tired." Roni yawns. Collins carries her up the stairs and before you know it she is out like a light.

A/n lol and other lame and late update. I've given up on the schedule I'll just post when I feel like it, sorry I'll try and write better and more frequently. Make sure to vote and comment it means everything xx -Zozobear

Ps: I'm not going to do photos at the top any more xx

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