39 - Argue?

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Vanessa's POV

I don't know what Comes over me, but I stand up and start yelling at Aaron. "Aaron, you need to stop threatening me. I am over you. You are too but want to rub it in that you think you are hurting me. You're not. I hope your wedding goes great and the two of you have a great life together but this is the last time I am seeing you forever and I am glad."

"You need to stop acting like a child and focus on your life not trying to ruin mine. I have friends and family who care about me and there are plenty of other fish in the sea that aren't you. Goodbye Aaron. For real this time."

I then decide to walk to the bathroom, leaving Aaron and my worries behind me. I hear footsteps chasing after me but I don't turn around, he can't come into the woman's bathroom anyway.

"Nessa?" I hear Ronis voice breathless. I turn around and she gives me a huge hug. "That was amazing! Right after you left all her did was snort, pull the finger and leave. You did it! I'm so very proud of you." She laughs excitedly.

"I did it. I really did it." I repeat, not believing it myself. "Let's go home." I smile, hearing a ping on my phone. "Check if it's Aaron." I hand Roni my shone shakily. She grins.

"What?" "Hey nessa. Hope everything went well with Aaron, text me if you need anything. Xx Harrison." She winks at me, raisin her eyebrows. I blush. "Okay so I told him and he was really nice about it." I grab my phone back and lightly slap her for teasing me. "But what about Chris?" She says dramatically as we leave.

"Collins told me he has a hing for you." "Really? Wow. Uh, okay. You can talk it through to Collins to ask him if we can hangout I guess." I fake smile. I defiantly like Harrison more.

- -

Collins POV

"Babe Chris is one of my best mates I trust him I can't understand why you don't." I say helplessly to my wife. "I just don't get good vibes with him, I don't really think he's a good match for my sister that's why I think we should stop the plan." Veronica crosses her arms.

When we got home me and Roni just started talking about Chris, Harrison and Nessa, and it turned into a full blown argument.

"I think they would be adorable! And you are running all this off your 'vibes'? That is not an excuse." I cross my arms. "Look Collins, after that Collab he seemed different, more of a bad boy and that's not Nessas type!" She yells. "How would you know her type?" I say angrily, regretting what I just said.

"Oh, oh maybe because of the fact we are twin sisters!" She screams, irritatingly angry now. "Look, I understand that you don't think she should be with him, but we should at least give it a shot! Heaps of people are shipping them and it would be just like you an me!" I yell.

"You and I were different. We actually had feelings for each other when those pictures got leaked. We don't even know if Chris likes Nessa!" She exclaims, sitting on the couch in a huff."

"I don't want to argue about this anymore!" She states when I don't respond. I look down into her beautiful brown eyes and see tears forming. "I'm sorry babe, it's just that I trust Chris with your sister." I apologize. "Well I don't! So this plan is not going to go ahead no matter what you say, because if I didn't love you you wouldn't be related to her!" Veronica screams, standing up in frustration, tears flowing down her face.

"Stop arguing!" Nessa yells from the doorway. We both turn around in surprise to see an angry Vanessa looking at us. "Whatever plan you were scheming it's not going to work! Because it's my love life, not you twos, and I have already talked to Chris! It wouldn't have worked out in the first place becuase he already is happily in love with a girl he is engaged too!"

"I don't know what he told you, but when I asked him what he told Collins he said you didn't ask him meaning you were lying, but he told me that he thought I was cute but wasn't going to hit on me because he already has a fiancé! So please stop fighting I hate seeing you two fight, your perfect for each other and there is no point in arguing about my screwed up life when yours is perfect. Stop wasting your time on me and make out or something." She exclaims.

"I'm sorry Nessa." Roni apologizes. I nod my head and she walks back into her room to calm down. "Look, Roni I was wrong, I shouldn't have pressured you into thinking something that you don't agree with. It was a stupid argument and I hope we can overcome it." I smile.

She nods her head and hugs me. I look down at her and wipe the tears off her beautiful face and smile. "I love you flounder." "I love you superhero." I kiss her and tears fall down my face, I don't know why.

"You okay?" She asks, pulling away. "I feel bad for everything. For you, for Nessas messed up life, she didn't deserve Aaron she deserves someone better." I exclaim. "Are you hitting on my sister?" Roni laughs. "Of course not! I lo-" she crashes her lips onto mine. "Babe I was joking. But I know she really likes Harrison. Can we invite them on a date with us?" She suggests. I nod my head excited. "Whoop double dates!" I laugh, kissing her again.

A/n six more chaps xx

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