32 - Pregnant?

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Veronicas POV

I look down at the test in my hands, as Collins stops mid way through his sentence. "Oh my." He exclaims, looking back at the test then at me. I sit there in shock. "I'm...I'm pregnant?" I look up at Collins, and he smiles.

"Your pregnant! There's going to be a little girl or boy running around that is ours! Our child!" Collins yells, picking me up and spinning me around. I kiss him. "We are having a child!" I smile. Collins nods excitedly.

"We need to go pick up Nessa, A, there may be something wrong, and B, I need to tell her the good news!" I giggle. Collins code his head and pats my stomach. "Hola little fetus baby." He whispers. I laugh and hug him. "Let's go get my sister."


We arrive at the YouTube space to see drunk people surrounding the building, as well as inside. I spot Nessa by a garbage bin, and wave out to her. "Roni!" She pants, running over to us, and giving me a hug through the window. "I kissed Harrison." She blurts.

"WHAT?" I scream, as she hops in the car. "You know Harrison has a girlfriend though, right?" I ask. She holds her head in her hands and cries. "I know, I...we were both a little drunk, him more than me, I only had two glasses...then...it just...it just happened! He said he was fine with it...like we were both drunk and stuff...but I ran anyway. I'm so ashamed!" She cries into her hands.

Collins stops at a red light, and I crawl into the backseat with Nessa. "Hey, it's alright. We all make mistakes. Besides, this was your first drunk mistake." I rub her back. "But I feel terrible! I'm not good with alcohol." She sniffles, grabbing a tissue from her bag.

"Maybe not, but your good at other things." I smile. "Yeah? Like what?" She looks up at me. "Well, your very talented at singing and musical instruments, you can edit photos, you can create great YouTube videos and ideas, your a wonderful daughter, the best twin sister I could ever ask for, and you will be a great aunt too." I say, grinning ear to ear.

"In the future I guess I will be." Nessa laughs. "Yeah, well that future is only nine months away." Collins chimes in. "Wait....your pregnant? Oh my gosh Roni!" She hugs me, as I nod my head. "Oh my gosh! My sisters having a baby, your having a freaking baby!" She screams, starting to cry again.

"I take it your happy then." Collins laughs. She nods her head and hugs me again. "When are you going to tell mum and dad?" She asks. "I don't know. I think we will get them and Collins parents and Devan all around together and tell them then." I say, Collins nods his head.

"Well this disaster has turned fabulous." Nessa smiles, as we pull into the apartment block car park.

Collins POV

I am so happy. We are having a child, a little baby will be running around. This also means we will have to find a bigger place, and it also means Roni will have to leave Nessa. Let's all just hope she finds someone in the next nine months that treats her right. She's my sister in law, and deserves someone who will love her and take care of her. I feel like she is blood related to me, I care for her so much.

But I care for Roni more, and her health is the most important thing right now. "Roni, I think we need to go see a doctor, just to check that expensive pregnancy test, and if it is true, which I think it is, we can check up on the baby." I suggest.

She nods her head. "Great idea. I'll call and book an appointment for tomorrow if I can." She smiles at me, walking off to find her phone. "Listen Nessa." I sit her down next to me. "I love you like a sister, but when this baby is born, I am afraid.." "You will move out. That's okay, I understand completely. I am thinking of moving back in with mum and dad for a little bit until I find a place of my own. Maybe near you guys, but not right next door." She smiles.

"Thanks for understanding." I grin, pulling her into a hug. "Aw I missed the family meeting." Roni pouts, coming to sit on my lap. I kiss her. "Better?" She nods. "I booked an appointment for tomorrow at noon, Nessa you wanna come?" Roni asks. Nessa nods her head.

"I really do. I won't invade though, I'll stand to the side." She smiles. "Nessa, your amazing. Almost as amazing as my wife." I laugh. Nessa blushes. "Stop.." She laughs. "Let's go get some dinner, whatcha feel like? I don't want to cook." Roni laughs.

"Taco Bell?" The three of us say in sync. "Well look who is turning into a twin." Nessa laughs. "Triplet." Roni corrects. "Well, Taco Bell is settled then is it? Triplets." I laugh. The two girls nod their heads and we head out to Taco Bell.

A/n YAY SHES PREGNANT! Also, Nessa is so understanding aw. Unlike someone else in the story...cough cough. Anyways, keep voting and commenting, it means everything to me. Shoutout to Sameerasam6 for being really lovely and supportive recently. If you want a shoutout, just leave a comment saying please can I have a shoutout? Or message me the same thing, I think I am going to do more shout outs in the next few chapters. Ily guys! Xx - zozobear

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