15 - Honeymoons

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Veronica's POV

I wake up to sun shining through the curtains in our room, and my wonderful husband laying next to me. "Collins.." I shake him awake. "Hmm?" He groans, opening his blue orbs. "We gotta catch out flight soon." I whisper. He smiles and kisses my forehead, wrapping his arms around me, holding me close.

We decided to go on our honeymoons right away, seeing as we don't want to leave the others waiting. Me and Collins are going to Hawaii, while Aaron and Nessa are going back to Italy and meeting us in Hawaii the day before our birthday.

I crawl out of bed and slowly pack the last of my things. I was supposed to do this last night, but I was so wiped out. Collins sits on the other side of the bed and packs. We both look up when the door squeaks open and Nessa appears. "Oh good your up." She says, wiping her eyes. "We are all leaving in an hour. We decided to get breakfast on the way." She yawns. Closing the door again.

- - - - - - -

We arrive at the airport in time to check in our bags. Our flight is before Nessas, so we all hang out at our gate. "Ooo Aaron let's get doughnuts!" Nessa pleads. We were running late so we didn't get breakfast.

"Okay." Aaron sighs, getting dragged to Krispy Kreme. "I'm so excited." Collins whispers in my ear. "I am too! It's only, I haven't been away from Nessa that long before." I turn red, knowing it sounds childish. "It's okay, I understand. But you'll have me, and she has Aaron. You'll cope." I smile and kiss him. "Thanks Collins."

Our fate is called just as Nessa and Aaron return. I run up to Messa and hug her as tight as I can. "I'll miss you. Call me every other day to check in." I smile. She nods. "I love you. Have fun!" She smiles and waves as I grab my carry on. "I love you too. See you in August!" I drink, grabbing Collins hand and walking Onto the plane.

- - - - - -

"Woohoo Hawaii!" I yell as we enter our hotel room. "I'm so excited!" I smile, kissing Collins. "You sure do seem excited." Collins laughs, wrapping his arms around my waist. "What do you want to do first?" He asks me.

I shrug my shoulders and dive bomb onto the bed. "Can we go to the beach? I wanna get a tan at the start of the trip." I laugh. He laughs and nods his head. I grab out my bikini and walk into the bathroom.

I take off most of my makeup so it doesn't stain if I go in the water, and change into my togs. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and throw on a coverup before walking out. "Ready." I smile, grabbing my pre-packed beach bag.  Collins nods and grabs my hand, wand we make our way to the beach.

We are staying in the Maui hotel for the first part of our trip, so it is only like a five mine walk to the beach. When we arrive we lay out our things, and just chat on the towels. I try and tan but after twenty minutes here is no sign of anything.

I take of my sunglasses and sit up. "The water is so blue." I smile, looking out at the water. Collins sends me a smirk and stands up, brushing the sand off him. "Oh no..." I gasp, standing up to run away, but her reached me.

He places his arms around me and lifts me up, cussing me to squeal. He starts to run so I wrap my arms around his neck so I don't fall. "Collins!" I scream, as he drops me into the water. I pull him down with me and we both sit breathlessly there, laughing.

Vanessa's POV

After saying our goodbyes to Roni and Collins, me and Aaron head to our gate and watch the airplanes through the window. I rest my head on Aaron's shoulder and we chat about Italy until our flight is called.

Gate 9 please board your flight to Como, Italy.

We stand up and link arms, joining the crew to our gate. The flight is scary as always, but Aaron hold my hand the whole time, and it makes me feel safe. I miss Roni very much, I never realized how much she helps me on flights until I have to catch one without her.

We arrive at the Airport after a long flight, and I consider calling Roni but realise that she would be asleep or at the beach. We check into our hotel and head up to our room. Aaron jumps on the bed and I laugh, dog piling on top of him.

We quickly in pack and lay on the bed, deciding where to go. "Do you want to go to Lido Villa Omo?" I ask him, laughing at his confused expression. "What...?" "It's a beach/ pool place on the edge of the water." I laugh. He nods and smiles.

We get changed into our swim wear and drive our rented car to the beach. We sit under a pink umbrella looking over the ocean. Aaron wraps his arms around me and I smile. This honeymoon is going to be perfect.

A/N sorry for the short chapter. Do you guys want a seperate chapter for each honeymoon? Eg: Ronis in one, Nessas the next, Ronis, Nessas, etc. OR do you want them combined, eg: Aaron's POV and Collins POV in the same chapter? Let me know and I'll make it happen, maybe a combination of both. They are on a two month honeymoon after all😂💗💜 Have a nice day. Xx - zozobear

( follow me on twitter @ zoe_of_the_bear )

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