26 - Disappearance

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Veronicas POV

After Aaron stormed out AGAIN on Nessa yesterday, she has been sulking in her room. I have come in and out to offer her food and water but she has just sat there and looked at a picture of Aaron and her.

"Nessa.." I knock on the door quietly. "Come in." She muffles, wiping a tear from her eye. "Hey, I hate seeing you like this." I sit down next to her. "Well what can I do Roni? He left, I don't know where he is. He isn't answering his phone on messages or calls. Help me." She cries into her hands, her mascara running down her face.

"Look, if he wants to leave you again and again, you need to leave him. You don't deserve someone that walks out on you, and doesn't trust you, and doesn't appreciate your desicions, or talks with you, or reasons or listens. You don't deserve someone that breaks your heart over and over again. Nessa, you don't deserve him. Please listen to me I hate seeing you sad."

I rest my head on her shoulder and look up at her. "Maybe your right. I want to go reason with him but I don't know where he is!" She cries, dropping the photo on the floor. "Well let's go look." I suggest, wiping her makeup.

A few hours later

"He's not at Walmart, target, or Taco Bell." Collins says through the phone. "He's not at Krispy Kreme, his old apartment in la or at his parents house, we called." I sigh into the phone. "Okay, I'm going to go back home, talk later. Love you." Collins breathes out. "Okay. See you soon, love you too." I smile, hanging up.

"No where." I tell Nessa, slumping against the car bonnet. I look up at the gloomy sky and see that it is about to rain, so I hop into the drivers seat, and Nessa gets into the passenger seat.

"Turn up the music will you, I'm dying to hear some Ariana grande." A voice that's not Nessa says from next to me. I look over surprised to see a masked figure, a girl, sitting next to me. Outside I can see Nessa lying on he floor, mouth taped, blood pouring out of her nose.

"Not my sister, whoever you are." I mumble, punching the figure in the face. They pass out and I sprint out of the car, grabbing Nessa and dragging her inside the nearest store.

I untapped her mouth and saw that she had been punched right in the jaw and the nose, so she had a bleeding nose and bruised jaw. I grab some napkins from the table, luckily this place was subway, and wipe her nose blood up.

"M'am, what happened here?" An employee rushes to help me. "She got punched by the person in my car...I stop, looking outside. Gone. Great, my sisters been punched and my cars been hijacked. What a great rescue this has turned out to be.

Collins POV

I arrive home and wait around for about twenty minutes. "Where is Roni..." I wonder out loud, picking up my phone for the tenth time this minute. I decide to call her when a call pops up on my screen.

"Roni?" I answer. "Collins!" She sighs. I can hear sirens on the phone. "Where are you, what happened?" I ask concerned, grabbing my jacket knowing I'll have to go somewhere. "We are at the police station, Nessa got punched and knocked out by a figure who sat in my car, I punched them, ran out, helped Nessa then realized they stole my car." Roni says rushed.

"Oh my gosh, I'm coming. Be their soon flounder, I love you." "Love you too." She hangs up. I grab my phone wallet and keys and run to the car.

I arrive at the police station and look around. I spot Nessa sitting on a bench holding her jaw. "Nessa!" I smile, hugging her. "Are you okay?" I ask, sitting next to her. "I've been better." She laughs. "Where's Roni?" "In the room getting questioned. I'm next. Can you hand me another tissue?" She gestures to the box behind me.

I hand one to her and she holds it over her nose just as Roni comes out. "Flounder." I smile, standing up and kissing her. "What did they ask?" "About the figure, looks, etc. " flounder smiles, kissing me. Nessa make a funny face then gets called into the interrogation room.


A police officer comes out half an hour after Nessa exits the room, and stands in front of us. "We are going to file a missing  persons case, and a stolen car case. I realize that it should be assault as well, but as soon as we find your car we will most likely find her." The police officer smiles. "I'll get back to you shortly. If you fill out these forms with your phone numbers and names we can contact you tonight with any information. Then you may proceed home. Thank you." She walks away after handing us three forms, and we all fill them out.

"Where could he be? It's like he's walked off the face of the earth." Nessa sighs, hopping into the back seat. "Yeah. I'm sure they will find him, then you can talk to him." Roni smiles, as I start the car and pull out of the police station, ready to drive home.

A/n who was expecting that?

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