The Hand That Feeds

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"What happened?"

"I would rather talk about it later."


Once we got to his house, wich wasn't much different from Adams, I saw Brad there too.

"Hey Ariel, what's up! Ii was just about to call Adam and Neil over. Hey, wait, where is Adam?" Barry gave him a look that said 'Shut up, she will explain.'

"Well....Adam and I kinda broke up."

"What happened? Will we still be able to hang out? Tour is gonna suck."

"I dont know what happened. He just got really mad at me for not telling him something. He was acting really different." they all looked at each other.

"Well, do you want us to talk to him?" asked Neil.

"No, it's fine. It's over. I just need to find a job. And a place to stay. But I think I will be leocing Canada anytime soon. It's the only place from me. It's my home now."

"That's good. So we can all hang out, just without him?"

"I guess. I don't care." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, where are you going to stay? Sorry, but for your sake, you can stay here, he comes by too much."

"You could live with one of us, I mean, you said you are getting a job. So that means you'll be gone most of the time. So that means that he will never know you were here."

"Or, to avoid complications, you can just stay with one of us until you can afford your own place."

"Does Adam visit Shadow a lot?"

"No, not usually. But good thinking."

"I might just ask her then..."

Just then, Barry got a call. It was Adam.

This is all I heard:

"Hey, Adam.............No, I don't know where Ariel is.............Ya, I am sure..................i dropped her off at McDonalds.............She said to............ She has probably already left............Goodluck buddy."

"Thank you. Really thank you."

"No problem, but he is probably going to come by eventually."

"Alright, I have to call Shadow."


The call went well and she was already driving me to her place.

Besides the fact that she looks like the female version of Adam, I think everything is going to workout fine.

I told what happened with the breakup( besides the scars) and she totally agrees with me. She thinks that he was being a complete dick.

"I am glad you came to me." she said.

"I am glad too. Thank you so much."

"No problem, really. I can help you unpack if you want. You room is this way."

She showed me to a nice little room, with a window bench.

"This is amazing, thank you so much!!"

"So, where are you thinking to work at?"

"I don't know yet, no fast food place, probably somewhere in the mall?"

"That would be cool. I heard that Spencers and Nike have good pay."

"Really? Then I am definitely going to consider them."

"That's great then! Do want any help unpacking?"

"No thanks."

"Alright, make yourself at home." and then she left.

I closed the door behind her, sat on the bench, and actually wrote a whole song.

Luckily, I had brought my guitar with me, so I got a nice start to it, an put my feelings on paper.

"Every street, in this city,

Is the same to me.

Everyone's got a place to be,

But there's no room for me." it sounded good, I have to admit. And then I get to the chorus.

"it's so hard to find someone,

Who cares about you.

But it's easy enough

To find someone who

Looks down on you." damn, I wrote a song. And it's exactly his I feel.

I should show this to Adam, to put on the album.

Or that's what I wouldve done.

But I probably wot talk to him again.

Burn-an Adam Gontier Love\Hate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now