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I gave in so easily. I couldn't help it though. I loved him. And I do love him. As we sat there on the bench, kissing, a million different things went through my mind. All of the memories we had made, all of the dances we had shared, all of the kisses that kept us together.

I feel that this kiss is the one that cannot be replaced. I hope I never loose him.

We walked inside his house. The place I had been just a few hours ago. And it was a little messy. But now, I saw it as a very familiar place, that used to be my home.

After Adam and I kissed for what seemed like five minutes, we looke at the clock. And hour had past. I guess we were just so caught up in each other.

"Uh, Adam....am I staying here again?" I looked at him. All though I was five years younger than him, he wasn't much taller than me. Only by two or three inches.

"OF COURSE! By the way....where have you been staying?" oh.....

"Shad's house. She ha an extra room." he laughed.

"So you're telling me...that when we broke up.....you stayed at my sisters house??" he chuckled a bit more then kisse me on the forehead."Alright, we could go and pick up your stuff, shouldn't we?" I love him so much.

"Yeah. Oh! And I have to go to work tomorrow....so....." he raised one eyebrow.

"Work? Oh yeah! You have a job. Well, I guess we won't be missing that much time together cause I have practice." I don't know what it is about him, but I feel a billion times happier now.

You never realize what you have, until it's gone.

We went down to Shad's house to find that Amanda was there still. Adam and I walked in to find the two of them singing Yellow Submarine by The Beatles.

They didn't notice us come in, so as soon as their little number was over, Adam and I clapped.

"That was beautiful! Encore! Encore!" I said through laughs.

"Hey, sis. I didn't know you could sing like that. Hell! I didn't know you could sing at all!" he had a laugh attack after saying that. But Shads didn't take it.

"You shut the fuck up right now! Don't you remember all of ti- woah...Adam...your hair....I like it!"

"Ariel, I see you have decided." Amanda looked at me and raised her eyebrows at me.

"Ya....Adam, this is Amanda. Amanda, this is Adam." they shook hands.

"Look buddy, you really hurt this girl right here." she pointed at me."She won't admit it, but she took some damage because of you. So now that you guys are back together...don't pull anything funny." she was staring him down like a vulture on a deer that's been hit by a car. And he looked a bit hesitant.

"Amanda. It's fine."

"I am just making sure. I went to your concert with Ariel and some friends. I really enjoyed it. Three Days Grace might just be my new favorite band."

"That's cool. Well, we're working on a new album. We haven't started recording yet. But as soon as we do, I'm sure Ariel will let you know." he said with a smile. I looked at him, he was acting somewhat normal, but something was a little off about him.

He 'needed' this OxyContin of his. You could tell just by the way he stands, by the weather talks. He realizes it too. But he keeps pushing it aside. He is trying hard.

"Hey, Adam. Why don't you go wait in the car? I'll be out in a little bit." he looked a little uptight.

"Bye Adam!" yelled Shads.

He made his way out to the car.

"What's wrong with Adam, Ariel?" sh doesn't know?

"He is just going through some shit right now." she looked suspicious.

"Look, I am his sister. I can tell when something mustn't right. But it's a damn good thing I trust you to take care of him." she was smiling now. Thank god for that.

"I will. Hey, we are still going to get together and sing every now and again right?" they both nodded.

"Ariel, have fun with him. WINK WINK." god, how obvious can you get?

I went up to my room and grabbed all of my things, songbook, guitar. I grabbed the photo album from my book shelf. All of the pictures I wanted to take with me before I left my dad. I wonder how he's doing.

I stuffed everything in a bag, except the guitar I held that.

"Come by every once in a while, k?" asked Shads.

"Ya. And Amanda, I will see you at work."

"Yep. Do you need a ride by the way?" nope. I got Adam now.

"I don't think I do. But thanks anyways!" I said on my way out the door.

Once I got outside, I saw Adam in the front seat of the car. And you could tell he was having withdrawals.

I put my stuff in the trunk and told him to get in the passenger seat. He was shaking like a chiwhaha. I knew I needed to get him hom, quickly. Before things get bad. But it was too late for that .

"What the hell Is taking you so long? Fucking drive already!" he didn't yell, but he was loud. It scared me a bit.

Just another reminder that our lives can never be perfect.


What do you think guys? Can their life be perfect?


Burn-an Adam Gontier Love\Hate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now