Chapter Ten

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Dinner was finished in a comfotable silence, words filling in every few minutes or so telling Daddy that the food taste great among other things. Otherwise no one really felt the need to interrupt the peaceful quiet that surrounded all of us.

"Ashton?" I look up quickly as see everyone is looking at me. A blush creeps up my cheeks but I keep my eyes locked in Daddy's. "Will you help me do the dishes tonight? I want to talk to you about something." I nod silently and stand up while holding my own plate before reaching over and grabbing Uncle Rian's with my other arm, thinking to much about what Daddy could want to talk about to realize my enornous mistake.

Instantly fire shoots up my arm and I drop the plate on the ground, the crash resounding around the room. My own plate falls next as I use my good arm to cradle my burnt arm to my chest. The pain that shoots up my arm isnt as bad as it was when i first burnt it, but the stretching of the skin over my arm still makes tears prick in my eyes.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." I hiss as I close my eyes and crumble to the floor. Sitting my my knees and pressing my forehead into rhe ground. A hand on the small of my back brings me out of the cloud of pain i am currently in, but I can't distinguish who it is by the rushing sound of water in my ears.

Another hand comes down on my shoulder, and through the burning pain i can the tingles that shoot down my whole body. I can feel my mate.

I lift my head up and barely crack my eyes open, blinking them a few times ro clear the tears that are stuck in them. Leonel is crouched in front of me with a look of concern on his beautiful face.

"Whats wrong, Ashton? Did you hurt yourself?" Leonel asks as he helps me stand up from the ground. I open my mouth to answer but all that comes out is a painful gasp that seems to let all of the air escape from my body in that one rush.

"Get him to a chair so he can sit down." I vaguely hear Papa say as his hand continues to rub up and down my back. I nod my head, it thumping forward and backward, hitting my chest and my neck straining to pull it back into place, the pain taking away most of the strength I had. My legs shake every step that I take to get to the couch, my eyes begin to blur even though they are mostly closed to try and save the little bit of energy that i could possibly save.

I breath out a sigh of relief when I feel the back of my thighs touch the soft fabric that I recognized as one of the couches in our living room.

A hand grabs my arm, no tingles erupt in my body, so I am guessing it's Papa since he was the other one helping me walk to the couch with Leonel, and pulls my sleeve slowly up my arm and over the burn that was covered beneath it.

A deep gasp that is unfamiliar sounds in the room. Full of anger, pain, and disgust. Some way, I'm able to tell that the sound came from Leonel, my mate.

I don't know if i should be happy that he knows that pain i am going through is really painful, or sad that he seems disgusted by the sight of my arm. Those are my last thoughts before I let my body succumb to sleep.

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