Chapter Twenty-Five

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“This is it.” Leonel said as we start driving around what looks to be a winding driveway. I look out the window and my eyes sudden when I finally see the castle looming before me.

“Oh my….” I whisper as i look at the large building before me. The castle is an off white color which you could tell was developed through time. There are pillars lining the porch to where the front entrance leads. Flower beds line the entirety of the front of the house and i can see some wrapping around the side of the castle, so i know there is more.

“I know. It's a lot to take in when you first come. I mean, still, it's beauty and size does make me take a step back sometimes.” I turn to look at Leonel who seems amused by my reaction, but his gaze is still soft, showing me he isn't really trying to put me down.

“I don't know how anyone could possibly need this much space when all you do is eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom. I mean, everything else isn't a necessity that you need.” Leonel laughs at me before grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him.

I start to feel the nervous butterflies resurfacing in my stomach with each step we take to the front door. I know Leonel is going to protect me, but that still doesn't help lessen the nerves running wild in my stomach. There are things he can't protect me from, like my own thoughts.

“Welcome back, Leonel. We have all missed you while you have been away.” A small maid whispers as we walk in the doors. Leonel smiles at her kindly causing her to blush. It dawns on me that this maid has a crush in Leonel. I don't mind, unless she tries to take him from me, but by the looks of her I would say she wouldn't hurt a fly.

“Thank you, Laura. It's wonderful to be back. I was wondering is you know where Your Majesty is?” Leonel asks politely to Laura as he pulls me to his side. I don't know if he could read minds, but he obviously knows I was getting jealous of the way this girl was girl was looking at him.

Laura’s eyes shift between our bodies and where they are connected. I see when it dawns on her that we are mates. Her entire face crumbles before she nods glumly to Leonel and pointing in the direction where the king is, before running off to do something.

“Come, I want to be able to go home with you as soon as I can, and that means we have to tell the king about our mating as soon as we can, which is now.” Leonel orders as he begins to pull me in the direction Laura pointed, obviously knowing the room this way that the king usually resides in.

“But, Leonel, we haven't actually mated yet. I know we are mates, but people can smell that we haven't truly mated yet. What if the king thinks we are lying about our bond just because we can. I don't want to lose you.” Leonel stops to think for a second before nodding.

“You're right, he wouldn't believe us. I will go and say my hellos after I show you our room. Tonight, we will mate, and tomorrow, we will tell the king that I am leaving.” I'm speechless as Leonel drags me away from the way we were going and into another direction. We pass Laura as we walk and she sends me a glare before continuing her work, if I wasn't so surprised with the fact that Leonel and I would be mating tonight, I would have shivered from the promises her glare perceived.

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