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Hey, my name is Ella. I'm a 16 year old girl with a vampire for a best friend. His name is Zach. He's 17 and was turned two years ago, feeding off of me twice a week. It's painful, but it's the only way he'll survive. If that wasn't bad enough, my older brother, Diego, is a werewolf. Our parents died just four months ago in a plane crash. As everyone knows, there has been a war between vampires and werewolves for centuries, except for when it comes to me apparently. The only reason why Zach and Diego get along, is because they want to protect me. Little do they know I have a secret of my own.


I contain a scream as Zach bites into my wrist, drinking my blood. He looks up and sees my pain, unlatching and wipes his mouth. "Maybe this isn't a good idea." He says, worriedly. I shake my head. "No. You can only drink from the vein, remember?" I give him my wrist and he bites into my skin again, making me wince. Once he's finished, he cleans it up and wraps a bandage around the bite. "I wish things were different." He mumbled. "I know. But this is our life now." He shakes his head. "No. It's my life, I wouldn't even be feeding off of you if you hadn't insisted. I could just-" "No! How many times do I have to tell you? You're not going to feed off of other people!" I say, my voice rising in pitch. "But-" "No! What if your compulsion doesn't work? What then?" He looks down at his feet, struggling the urge to feed off of me again. "Look, we've been doing this for two years. We'll find another way." He looks up and sighs, the pulsing veins under his eyes disappearing. "Alright. I should take you home before your brother gets suspicious." He says as we walk to his car.

He drops me off and I walk into the house. "Where were you?" Diego asks, standing right behind the door. I jump in surprise and close the door behind me. "Nowhere important." I say walking into the kitchen. "You weren't with Zach again, were you?" I roll my eyes and take out a tub of ice cream. "Of course I was. Does it matter?" He stands in front of me and looks down at my wrist, looking back into my eyes. "This is why it matters. He's a vampire Ella, and he's feeding off of you." He says holding my wrist. I pull my wrist out of his hand angrily. "You're right. He does. But because I want him to. Besides, you're a werewolf." He looks away, avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He shakes his head. "No, you're right, I just-" Before he could finish, all the light went out. The only light was the street lights, but they were too dim. I felt a sudden chill in the air and someone grabbed me by my waist. I scream and hear a thud in the place where Diego was standing moments ago. "Diego!" I struggle with all of strength, but I was too weak. Then, before I know what's happening, someone hits me over the head and I pass out.


{Diego's POV}

I wake up and see that Ella is gone. The last thing I heard was her scream. I immediately get my cellphone and called Cole, my best friend. "Hey man! What's up?" He says. "Cole! Someone took Ella!" I hear a thud from the other line. "What!?!? Why would anyone take Ella?" I take a deep breath. "I don't know." I feel myself breaking apart. "I'm coming over." Before I could abject, he hung up. "Please be ok." I say aloud.

I hear a knock ten minutes later, and open the door. "Now, tell me exactly what happened." Cole demanded, walking past me and sitting on the couch. I close the door and start pacing up and down in front of him. "Well... We were talking one minute, and then the lights went out. I heard her scream and I tried to use my werewolf vision, but I got hit upside the head." I say, trying to recall everything. "That's it?" He asks. I nod and he stands up. "If anyone knows where she is, it's Zach." I tilt my head in confusion. "The war. If the vampires want to get to us, Ella is definitely the way to go. And he's the only vampire we know." I nod in understanding. "I think I know where he might be..."


{Ella's POV}

I wake to the sound of footsteps clambering on stairs. I sit up and look out of the barred door. "Well, look who's awake." A boy about Diego's age, which is 18, stands there with some type of torturing device. I scurry into the corner and wrap my long, dark brown hair around me protectively. He chuckles wickedly and unlocks the door. A single tear rolls down my cheek and he bends down to my level, lifting my chin. "It's a shame. You're very pretty." He says. "But this has to be done." He says, jamming the device into my neck. I scream and start to cry. He pulls it out and I look at him. "Please..." I plead, still feeling the electricity in my veins.


{Zach's POV}

I stand in front of my parents' tombstones. Four months ago, Ella's parents died in a plane crash. But three years ago, my parents died of cancer. I hear a rustling behind me and whip my head around. "Diego. Cole." I say, looking at Ella's brother and his best friend. "Zach." They say in unison. "What do you want?" I ask, examining the two of them. "Well, what I want is to find my sister." Diego says. "I dropped her off awhile ago." I say. "I know. Someone took her." The words hit me like the sun without my ring.


Hey guys! If this chapter didn't make sense, I'm sorry. This was kind of just introducing some of the main characters.


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