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{Ella's POV}

Zach smirks slightly and I cross my arms. "Don't even think about." I say. He chuckles. "Why not?" I sigh and lean back. "Becuase I'm sixteen, and you're seventeen." I say. He smiles. "That just makes it more fun." I punch him in the arm. "I'm staying at your place. But no funny business or I'll fill your head with an awful buzzing noise." I say. He sighs. "Fine. Can we at least watch a movie?" I nod. "Nothing about supernatural things though. We have enough of that already."


{Diego's POV}

We finally get to the abandoned warehouse, where we turned last time. "Ouch. Cole, the chains are pinching me." Alice says wincing. "Sorry. Its just that last time, they were too loose." She sighs. "Fine. Diego, are you alright?" I turn to them. "No. I just don't understand why during a full moon, we have to do this." Cole nods. "I know. It doesn't make any sense." He says, tightening his chains. I sigh and finish up, throwing the keys out of wolf reach. I feel myself transforming. "Brace yourselves, it's starting."


{Ella's POV}

I get out of the car and skip to Zach's front porch. "After you." He says opening the door. "Why, thank you." I say playing along. We get inside and I collapse onto his couch. "Do you want popcorn?" He asks. I nod. "It's funny how we met in theatre class." He nods. "You were the best actress in there." I tilt my head. "Were?" He chuckles. "You're the best." I smile approvingly. "That's what I thought." I say. "You're also a really great singer." He adds. "Don't fool yourself. I love you." I see him smile. "I love you too." He sits on the couch next to me and puts on a telanovela. "I love being Hispanic." I say. He chuckles. "Of course you do."

After watching the telanovela, I lay my head on Zach's chest. I've always wanted to do that. He strokes my hair and I feel myself getting tired. "I'm tired." I say. "Me too. I'll go get some pillows and blankets." Right when he leaves, I feel a searing pain coming from the cuts Xavier gave me. I scream and Zach comes running back. "Ella! Ella, what's wrong?!" My eyes roll to the back of my head and I black out.


{Diego's POV}

I stop mid-transformation and look at Alice and Cole, who are still human. I look down and see that I'm human too. "What's going on?" I say. Cole looks up at the moon and gasps. I look up and see a message. I'm not dead yet. Beware, Ella Rodriguez, I'm coming for you. I angrily rip off the chains and, with werewolf speed, run back home. Ella's not here. I dial Oliver. "Hey Diego? Did you see that?" "Yeah I did. Where's Ella?" I hear a sigh from the other end. "She went home with Zach." I hang up and run to Zach's house, where I see Ella motionless on the couch. I bang on the door and Zach scurried to me. "Thank God. I was just about to call you." I push past him and stand next to her. "What happened exactly?" I say fiercely. "I went to go get pillows and blankets for her, then I heard her scream. I came as fast as I could and then her eyes rolled to the back of her head." He said, trying to stay calm. "Go get Oliver." I say. He nods and leaves me in his home with my motionless sister.


{Zach's POV}

I rush to Oliver's house and bang on the door. "What is it? Is there something wrong?" He asks. "It's Ella. Diego told me to get you." He nods and we get into the car. We drive back to my house and Oliver does everything in his power to bring her back. "Is she dead?" I say these words and feel like a stake was driven through my heart. Oliver shakes his head. "No. But she's almost there." I act on instinct and bite my wrist. "What are you doing?" Diego asks. "I read that vampire blood heals people. Besides, it's worth a try." He nods his approval, and I put my wrist to her mouth. Immediately, the color comes back to her face and she grabs my wrist, drinking my blood. "That's it." I say soothingly. She looks up and stops. "What is it?" I ask. "Xavier..." I look at her confused. "What about him?" She points in the direction of the moon and I look. I'm not dead yet. Beware, Ella Rodriguez, I'm coming for you. "I saw him." She says through her tears. "He tried to kill me." She runs out of the living room and into the bathroom.


{Ella's POV}

I rush to the bathroom and lock the door behind me, splashing my face. He said that if he didn't succeed in killing me, he would kill Diego and Zach. "Are you alright in there?" Diego says. "Yeah..." I vomit into the sink. "You sure?" "Just... peachy." I say, sliding down the wall. I hear the footsteps disappear and start to cry. If I don't let Xavier kill me, he'll kill Zach and Diego. If I let him kill me, Diego will never recover and Zach would fall into despair, probably shut off his humanity too. "Ella, Diego and Oliver are gone. I'm coming in." He breaks the doorknob off and I look at him. He sighs and slides down next to me. "What happened?" I feel a presence, but have this need to tell him. "Zach... Xavier isn't dead." He looks at me with a blank expression. "When my eyes rolled to the back of my head, I saw him. Let me show you." I take his hand and mutter an incantation.

"There you are. Just the girl that I wanted to see." I stare up at Xavier's hungry eyes. "I tried to be nice-" "You would've killed me." I say cutting him off. He laughs wickedly. "If you don't let me kill you, I'll kill Diego and Zach."

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