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"What kind of powers?" Cole says. "In general? Well, it's not like I can name them all." I say. "Well, just name the main ones then." Diego says. "Wait... why does it matter?" I ask. "Well... certain kind of magic is lethal to vampires and werewolves." Zach says. "Well, I mean I have fire powers." I say. "Dead." Zach says. "Who?" I ask. "Me... keep going." Zach says. "Ok... umm... I have light magic. Like from the sun, moon, and stars." I say. "Dead." The three boys say in unison. "How?" I ask. "Werewolves can turn when they want... except for during a full moon." Cole says. "So that's why you guys are never in the house during those times?" I say. They nod. "Anyway... how does it affect you?" I say, turning to Zach. "Well, vampires are not able to walk around in the day, except for me because of my ring." He says, wiggling his finger. "But if you have as much magic as you say you do... you can turn off the magic in the ring." He says. "Oh... I didn't know that." I say. "Look... it's ok." He says. I nod. "You must be hungry." Diego says. "Maybe a little." I say.

We ate breakfast and Cole was going to take me to his girlfriend, who's a werewolf. "Hey Ella! Are you ok?" She says. "Hey Alice. Yeah, I'm ok." I say. "Well... don't just stand there. Come in!" She says, kissing Cole before closing the door. "So, what brings you here?" She says. "Well... Ella told us some news and I thought you knew someone who could help her." Cole says. She looks at me. "What news?" I take a deep breath. "I have powers that are lethal to both vampires and werewolves." She nods calmly. "I do know someone actually. It's my ex boyfriend."

After Cole dropped me off, I felt a familiar vibe about the place. "I thought they just picked you up." I look and see Xavier. "No. She didn't." I whine. "Why are you back?" He asks. "Alice told me you could help me with my magic." I say as he got closer. "I knew you were extraordinary." He says. "Whatever." I mumble. "You look prettier angry." He comments. "Don't push your luck." I say. "You are way older than me." I add. "How old am I?" He asks. "207 years old." I say. He gawks at me and I continue. "The boy who picked me up was turned two years ago. He researches the oldest vampires that he can and he told me who you were... which makes me believe you know who I am." He nods. "Ella Rodriguez. A descendent of a very fierce werewolf pack. For some reason, you didn't get the werewolf gene. But your brother certainly did. Him and Cole are some of the most powerful werewolves I've ever seen... and that's saying something." I nod. "You're right. Which means taking me pissed them both off." He sighs. "Look, being caught in a war like ours is difficult even if you have powers. Whether you can control them or not." He says. "Yeah... but I'd feel a lot safer being able to control them better." He nods. "Follow me."


{Zach's POV}

I left Ella's house right after Cole said he was going to take her to Alice's place. I was finally invited in, which means I can protect her a whole lot better. If I wasn't so stupid, I would've asked her out by now... that and the fact her brother is on the opposite side of the war. I hear my phone ring and I pick it up. "Hello?" I say. "Hey Zach? Can I ask you something?" I look at my phone... it wasn't Ella's phone number. "Ella? Where are you calling from?" I hear a thud from the other end. "It doesn't matter. Can I ask you something?" She says. "Yes." I say. "Xavier... did you know he knew magic?" I fumble with my phone. "What!? He knows how to do magic?!" I say. "Well... I guess that answers my question." She says. "Wait don't hang up. Are you with him right now?" I hear Xavier in the background. "Say no." He said. "No." Ella says. "Ok. I'll see you later." I say. "Kay. Bye." She hangs up. "That little... he compelled her."

I drove as fast as I could and ran up the steps of Xavier's house. Cole gave me the directions. I knocked on the door aggressively and it flew open to show me Xavier. "Where is she?" I ask. "Don't worry. She's practicing her magic in the other room." He says with a wicked smile. "Let her go." I say. He gives a chuckle. "Don't you see? She came to me. I'm irresistible." He says. I try to walk in but an invisible force was blocking me. "I might be a vampire, but I also have magic. That was the first spell I learned." He says, slamming the door. I instantly call Diego. "What do you want?" He asks. "It's Ella. Xavier compelled her to go into his house and I have to be invited in." The phone line got cut off and a few moments later, Diego was pulling up. "Took you long enough." I say. "Shut up." He says and walks to the door. "Let my sister go." He says. "Or you'll what?" I hear from the other side. Diego kicked down the door and Ella stood there with a knife to her throat. "One more step, and she's dead." Xavier said. Ella looked into my eyes and I saw a single tear roll down her cheek. "Zach..." She says. I see Xavier tighten his grip and he cuts her throat a little. "Ella, it's going to be ok." I assure her. She shakes her head as the knife cuts deeper. "Don't move." I say. "You need to know something." She says. "What?" I say. "I love you."

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