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{Ella's POV}

I look up at Xavier. "Did it work?" I say. He shrugs. "Take off your ring." I look down. Zach gave me the ring when he found out I was a vampire. I nod and take it off, opening the curtain. The sun feels warm on my face. It doesn't burn me. "It worked!" I say jumping up and down like a little girl. He chuckles. "How old are you?" I laugh. "Sixteen. Why?" He shakes his head in laughter. "You are a curious one." He says. I smile and walk out of the room, Xavier following close behind. "I'm going with the others, do you want to come?" He nods. "It's strange that you're so nice to me... after everything I did." He says. I hug him. "I forgive easily. Besides, you've helped us a lot." He smiles.

I run to Zach and he spins me around. "I'm guessing that it worked?" I nod. "I'm keeping the ring though, it's pretty." I say, putting it back on. "I could give you a better one." He says. I giggle and sigh. "I love you way too much, Zachary Sanchez." I say. "And I love you Ella Rodriguez." He says. There's a knock on the door and I look at Xavier. "You have friends?" I joke. He smiles. "Have you met me? Of course I do." Xavier leaves the room and I sigh. "The war is over. Now you can all be friends." I say happily. Diego chuckles. "Ella, can you come here?" Xavier calls. I look at everyone. "Sure. I'm coming." I call back. I see the person that I hate the most in the world. "Oliver..." I say angrily. "Before you say anything else, I'm really sorry Ella. It was for Sasha." I cross my arms. "I wanted to save her." I turn on my heels and walk away. "Ella! Come back! Please!" I turn around and look at Xavier. "Where is she?" I ask. "In the basement." He says. I nod and go to the basement. Surprisingly, I knew where it was. "Sasha? Are you in here?" I call. "Ella... is that you?" A voice calls back. "Yes. Just... tell me where you are." I say. "I'm all the way in the back. These chains hurt my ankles." She says. I walk to the back and see messy blonde hair. "Sasha..." She looks at me and I see a cut on her face. "What did he do to you?" I say sadly, unlocking the chains. "It wasn't him. I never told Oliver, but I'm a werewolf." She says. I help her up and she sighs. "He never hurt me once. He just said that it was war and to not take it personally." I nod. "That's Xavier. He actually hurt me. Though, I'm still alive." I say as we walk out.

I take Sasha out to Oliver. "Leave. Don't let me see your face again." I say as I slam the door in Oliver's face. "I would never hurt her." Xavier whispers. "I know. She told me she was a werewolf." I say. I walk up to Zach. "It's strange. After all this, we still have school tomorrow." He laughs and slings his arm over my shoulders. "The sad part is, you're right." Diego walks up to me. "We should go." I nod. "Bye Zach." I say. "Bye." I walk into the car behind Cole and Alice. "Our life is so strange." I say. "Yeah, it sure is." Cole says. "Alice, what was it like having Ella in your head?" He asks. "It was weird. I could feel everything that she felt." "And vice-versa." I mutter. "What was that?" Cole says to me. "Nothing. I'm just tired." I say. "I bet." Diego says. "Should we really have left Zach there?" Alice says. "Yes. He should learn everything he can about himself. Like, why he can't drink from a blood bag like I could." I say. "Ella... we really need to talk." Alice whispers to me, so only I could hear. I nod and sit back, falling asleep.

{Zach's POV}

After Ella left, I stayed behind with Xavier. "Can you teach me?" I say. "What do you want to know?" He asks. "Well... I actually need to know something first." He nods. "Why can't I drink from a blood bag?" His eyes widen. "You can't drink from a blood bag?!" He almost yells. I shake my head. "That's not normal, is it?" He shakes his head. "No. You should be able to drink from a blood bag. Unless..." He trails off and walks into a room, coming out with a book. "This is everything about vampirism. Here, look..." He shows me a page that's filled with how a vampire feeds. I can't drink from a blood bag, because I like drinking from the vein. "But... I don't like hurting Ella. She's the love of my life." I say. Xavier nods. "I know. Which means, that it has to be something else. But what?"


{Ella's POV}

I wake up in my bedroom. Diego must have brought me up, since I fell asleep. I walk into my bathroom and get ready, finishing up my hair. I was wearing a baby blue sundress with calf-high lace up white sandals, a white headband in my hair. I grab my bright pink backpack and run down the stairs. "Diego! Wake up! I have to go to school!" I say, jumping on his bed. He opens one eye and pulls me into a tight hug. "I love you little sis." He says. "I love you too. But I'm going to be late!" I say, squirming free from his arms. "Fine. I'll just be a minute." I nod and walk out, making sure I have all of my stuff. A few minutes later, he comes out. "Alright, let's go before I make you take the bus again." I run outside, feeling the fresh air in my hair, and hop into his car. He gets in and starts the car, staring at me. "What's wrong?" I say. "Your eyes." He says. I look in the mirror. "I put on color contacts. My eyes are pretty and all, but they never match my outfit." I say. I put on gray color contacts. "Ok! Let's do some carpool!" I say excitedly. He laughs and turns on the radio.

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