Catch Up

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"Are we there yet?" Sara asks as I drive her to Leonardo's house. "Almost. Do you remember what happened? Like, how you died?" She nods. "My werewolf powers were overwhelming me and I attacked Rick. He fought back and I bled to death." She says. I pull up in front of Leonardo's house and see Rick's car. We both get down and Sara's hands were shaking violently. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I haven't seen my brother in two centuries. What if he's not the same person I knew?" I take her hands in mine. "No one is ever the same person Sara. Besides, he still loves you and you still love him. That's what matters." She nods and I knock on the door. The door opens to reveal Leonardo and Rick. "Sara!" Leonardo says, hugging her. I look at Rick and see his eyes falter. Sara looks at Rick and he starts to tear up. "I killed you." He says, his voice breaking. Sara tears up too. "It was self defense." She whispered. She looked two years younger than him. "I love you." She whispers in his ear. How did I hear that? "I love you too." He whispers before she kisses him. Leonardo's expression hardens and I pull him away. "Let's go for a walk. They seem... busy, at the moment." He nods and we walk around his land. "So you own all this?" I say. He nods. "Yeah, by the way, you can call me Leo." I nod. Thank God, saying his name takes a lot out of me. "Thank you for bringing my sister back to me." He says. I smile. "I wouldn't have known it was her if Rick didn't go visit her grave. I have a psychic connection with all of the people I care about." He raises an eyebrow. "I don't know how. It just... happens." I say. "Do you and I have a psychic connection?" I nod. "Rick cares about you. Which means that you are automatically connected to me. It's strange, isn't it?" I say. He nods. "It sure is. You are very special." He says. "Leo!" We both turn around and see Rick and Sara running toward us. "Can you and I catch up now? I've been dying to talk to you again." Leo flinches a little. "No pun intended, I hope." I say. She tilts her head. "What's a 'pun'?" She says. I slap my forehead. "Just talk to your brother." I say pushing them together and taking Rick's hand. "Come on. We still need to figure out why Zach can't drink from a blood bag." I say. "How did you know about that?" He asks. "Two words. Psycic connection. Let's just go." I say.

Rick and I get back to my house where everyone was still there. "What happened? Did you throw a party?" I shrug. "We had dinner together. Does that count?" He shrugs. "Not sure." I walk in and Rick tries to come in, but is forced back by some type of force. "Sorry. Diego! Come here!" I call. Diego comes and sighs. "I forgot, Rick, you may come in." He says. "Thank you." Rick says, stepping inside. "Ella! You're back!" Cameron and Zach say in unison running down the stairs. "You two were in my room the entire time I was gone?" Cameron nods. "Maybe. Your room is so colorful and inviting. I didn't want to leave." He says. I smile and sigh. "It's been a long day. I just want to sleep." I say walking up stairs. "Do you want to stay over, by the way? I have extra pillows and blankets." I say to the two guys. They nod. "Sure. Why not?" I smile again and take everything out. "Tomorrow should be normal. Well... as normal as normal can be for us."


Hey guys! I've decided that since I have been posting everyday that I was just going to make them as long as I can. They're still going to be really short though so I'm sorry for that.

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