The Leader

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I gasp and look up at Diego, Alice, Cole, and Zach. "Did it work?" Cole asks. I shrug. "I have no idea." I say. "Think about the full moon." Diego says. I nod and start to think about the full moon. I look down and see paws starting to form. I look in the mirror and see hazel eyes with amber highlights staring back at me. "It worked." I say. They all start to cheer. I turn full human again and sigh. "That was kind of painful." I say. Diego nods. "It's a lot worse during the full moon. We don't control it, it just happens." I sigh. "Now, to just find the leaders of both sides." Zach looks at me. "I know where to find him." I roll my eyes. "Why are there barely any girls in this war?" Alice sighs. "Honestly. Are me and Ella the only girl werewolves?" The guys laugh. I punch Zach and Diego, and Alice punches Cole. "You know, I think I know why." I say. "Why?" "Because girls are fierce. Especially us Latinas." I continue, earning a high-five from Alice. "You've got that right." She says. Zach just stares at our exchange, rubbing his arm. "I thought vampires were supposed to heal fast." He mumbles. "Whatever. Lets just go, I want this war to end."


{Zach's POV}

We all get into Diego's car. It's so bloody huge. "The headquarter"s are in San Francisco. That's a couple of hours away." I say. Living in L.A. really does have its perks. "Ella... are you ok?" I say to her. She looked paler than usual. "Not really. Being both is killing me. Literally." She says, resting her head on my chest. "Ella you're freezing!" I say alarmed. "I know. I-I'm ok though. I'll be fine." She says shakily. I shake my head. "Diego, we have to stop by a hospital." I say. "Are you mental? If they take her blood, they'll know what she is." He says. "No. I mean I have to get her a blood bag." He nods. "Fine." We pull over and I get out quickly, grabbing a small cooler full of blood bags. I run back and give one to Ella. "Come on. You have to drink it." She nods and drinks, her eyes turning red and the veins under her eyes pulsing. "I can't feed again." She says when she's finished. "Yes you can. You're not me. You can drink from blood bags, so you drink when you can." She shakes her head. "Only twice a week... like you." She closes her eyes and I feel her heart beat slow down. "Ella! Do not close your eyes, you hear me?!" I say keeping her awake. "But, I-I'm so... tired." She closes her eyes again. Cole and Alice share a look. "Zach..." "No. No... she's not gone yet. Just a little bit longer." I hold her close and feel her heart stop for a second, then start again. "Screw this." I pick her up. "Get there as fast as you can. I'm going ahead." I say running out.


{Ella's POV}

I fight the urge to die. I can't die yet, I need to stay strong. I need this... Zach needs this. "Stay strong Ella... I need you." Zach says. He was running faster than ever. "Zach..." I whisper. He keeps running, faster now. We stop suddenly and I look up. We were at an abandoned warehouse. "Donde estamos?" I say. "What?" "Where are we?" I translate. "At the headquarters. The leader's name is Ricardo." He says. "Like... the evil guy from the telanovela?" He smiles a little. "Yeah... are you ok?" I stand up and nod, feeling the color leak back to my face. "Yeah, I can hold on a little longer. Lets go."

We head inside and I see staked bodies all along the walls. I scream and Zach covers my mouth. "Be louder why don't you." He whispers. "What happened to them?" I whimper. "They're werewolves. Look at their eyes." He whispers, lifting one of their eyelids. There were hazel with amber highlighted eyes. A tear rolls down my face and he looks at me. "That's what a supernatural war is like Ella. It's what I've been trying to protect you from." I look into his eyes, feeling safe. "Well... if it isn't who Xavier warned me about. The famous Ella Rodriguez." We look down the hallway and see a boy about Xavier's age. "How old are you?" I blurt out. Zach stifles a laugh and he chuckles. "The first thing you ask. Well... for starters, my name is Ricardo, and I'm two-hundred and seventeen." I gawk at him and Zach elbows me in the ribs. "He was right though, you are very beautiful." I blush and look at Zach. "She's taken." He all but whispers angrily. "I'd be surprised if she wasn't. Who's the lucky guy?" Ricardo says. "Me." He says, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Well anyway, you both are vampires, as Xavier said, so what do you need?" I look at Zach and he nods. "I want to stop the war." I say. "Good luck with that. The only way that would happen is if someone was both a vampire and a werewolf." I cross my arms. "Unless..." I look at him. "You're both, aren't you?" I nod. "Well, I'll get a message to the werewolves. By the way, you can call me Rick." He says.


{Alice's POV}

"There's a cure for vampirism!" I blurt out. Diego pulls over and turns around. "What?!" I look at Cole, then at Diego. "When I went to go face Xavier, he told Zach and I that there was a cure. He told us what it was too. Well... almost. It's a spell only Ella can learn." I say. "Did he tell you where the spell book is?" Cole asks. I shake my head. "He said that he would tell Ella, and Ella only." Diego nods and speeds to San Francisco. "I feel Ella here." He says. I nod. "Me too. It's like we're connected to her." I say. "We are. She's a werewolf now, remember?" I nod. "Of course I remember. She nearly died on the way here."

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