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We all meet up with Zach and Xavier, who were extremely happy. "Ella! Took you long enough!" Xavier yells over the loud voices. "Sorry. I had something to go take care of. Anyways, where are we going?" I say. "Back to my place." He says. I smile and nod. "Alright." I get in Zach's car. "Does anyone else know that Xavier wants to adopt you?" He shakes his head. "I think Rick does. But other than that, just me, you, and Xavier." He says. I nod. "So... is he going to announce it during dinner?" He shrugs. "You tell me." I sigh. "Fine." I use our psycic connection. "Yeah, he's going to announce it to everyone. And... he's going to turn in the papers tomorrow." I say.

We get to Xavier's place and realized we were the last ones. Even Cam got here before we did. "Ladies first." Zach says opening the door. "Why, thank you." I say walking inside. He closes the door behind us and we walk into the kitchen. "Hey Ella! That was a great performance." Sara says to me. I smile. "Thanks." I say. "Why doesn't anyone congratulate us?" Cam asks, slinging an arm over Zach's shoulders. "I don't really know. After all, we were the ones out on the field." Zach says. "What about me?" Mikey says. I shrug. "I'm flexible. Plus, we all know I play football better than both of you. Not to mention that I was the one who taught you how to play the trumpet." I say, directing some exposure over three of my best friends. "Dang... but she's right you know." Mikey says. Zach sighs. "I know. That's what makes it even more intimidating." He says. All of the "older kids" came out and Diego hugged me. "Good job out there." He says to me. "Thanks." I say. The three boys sigh and me and Sara start to laugh. "I don't get it." Cole says, scratching the back of his neck. "Wait... Cam, Zach, did you two start looking for colleges yet?" I say. They look at each other. "Umm... maybe?" They say. I cross my arms. "Liar. You can't keep a secret from me." I say tapping the side of my head. "Fine. We didn't. But technically..." "No. You don't have the whole summer because you still have to sign up for the school and wait for them to accept you. And... what if they don't accept you?" I say. They sigh. "Alright. Alright. Let's just celebrate our win." Zach whines. "Fine." I say. Rick, Leo, and Xavier all come out, Alice in tow. "They don't know how to cook." She whispers to me. I laugh silently. "Ok, everyone. I have an announcement to make." Xavier says. "I'm adopting Zach." He says. I hug Zach and look back at Alice, who seemed dumbstruck. "What? The old him wouldn't have done that?" I ask. "Yes... he wouldn't have ever done that. And when I say never, I mean how could he change so much, and so fast?" She says. All the vampires started talking in a group and the werewolves in another. I stayed with Mikey. "You do realize that we're kind of all separated, right?" He says. I nod. "Vampires, werewolves, and... wait, what are we exactly?" I say. "We're called Dreamers. But that's only because we can do things other people could only dream of. But... you're a special type of Dreamer. One of the rare ones actually." I tilt my head. "What do you mean by that?" I say. "You're a Siren. If I'm right, which I usually am, all of the magic that you have can give you the ability to transform." He says.

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