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{Ella's POV}

I start to pace around the room, Zach staring at me. "Well... how?" He asks. I look up at him. "If I'm descended from a werewolf pack, and I'm a vampire, I could try to become a werewolf too." He tilts his head in confusion. "I would become both. Which means-" "That we would have to stop fighting." Zach says. I nod. "Exactly. I have to find Diego..." I trail off. "Do your emotions get stronger as a vampire?" He nods. "Crap."


{Diego's POV}

There's a knock on the door and I answer. "Hey Ella! What's wrong?" Ella was at the door, crying. She sniffles. "Something happened..." I tilt my head. "I died with vampire blood in my system." No... she's a vampire. "You're a vampire... aren't you?" She nods and continues crying. "Come in." She looks up. "You have to be invited in... this is my house remember?" She walks in and wipes her tears. "I have an idea of how to stop the war." She says sniffling. "What do you mean?" She looks at me. "We're descended from werewolves. You're a werewolf. If I manage to become a werewolf... then I would be able to stop it." She says. "You would be both... forcing us to stop fighting." I say. She nods. "Hey Cole, Alice, come in here!" I call. They both come in. "Hey Ella!" Cole says. "Guys... she's a vampire." Cole stares at me and Alice has a blank expression on her face. "What?" Cole asks. "Xavier killed me this morning." Alice has a dark look now and she runs out of the house. "Where's she going?" I ask. "Xavier..." Ella whispers.


{Alice's POV}

I run to Xavier's house with the intention to kill him. Ella's a vampire and it's all his fault. "Xavier! Open this door now!" I yell. He opens and smirks at me. "Just couldn't get enough of me, could you?" I angrily slap him. "You turned Ella. I should permanently kill you." I threaten. "Don't make threats that you can't keep. Besides... I wouldn't turn someone who was descended from a werewolf pack without having a plan." He says. "What are you talking about?" I say. "She can become human again. So can Zach. It's a vampire lifespan from five years. If you were turned within that time, you can become human again." I gawk at him and sigh. "What do you want for it?" He smiles. "I want you back."


{Zach's POV}

I had just dropped off Ella and now I'm on my way to Xavier's house. He turned my girlfriend and he will pay for it. "I want you back." Is what I hear when I get out of the car. "Are you mental? I have a boyfriend." I hear the angry voice of Alice and walk up to the front porch. "What's going on here?" I say. "Zach? You really shouldn't be here." Alice says. "No. I do have to be here. He turned Ella, remember?" I say. She shakes her head. "You need to leave-" "No. I think he should stay. You want to protect her don't you?" I look at him angrily. "You turned my girlfriend and now she's against her brother." I say. "You newbie vampires are so naive, she's not permanently like that. And neither are you." I punch him. "You're not going to get to me." He massages his jaw. "You can be human again because of me. Don't push me too far. I don't mind killing those of my own species." He says. "Tell me how to turn her back." I say. "It's a spell that only she can learn." "Why? Because she's stronger than you?" I say. "Yes. Because she's stronger than me. Now, listen closely."


{Ella's POV}

Cole and Diego pace around the room deep in thought. Why wouldn't they be like that? My brother just found out his sister is a vampire. He's a werewolf. So is Cole. "Since you don't have vampire hearing, I should probably tell you that I know how to stop this war." I say to Cole. He looks at me now. Finally, I was getting worried. "How?" "I'm descended from a werewolf pack, as you already know. If I can turn into a werewolf, I would be both, forcing the vampires and werewolves to stop fighting each other." Cole gawks at me. "She knows more about our history than we do." Cole says to Diego. "I know. That's what I'm afraid of." Diego says.


{Zach's POV}

"So wait... let me get this straight. Ella and I have to drink the blood of a vampire who cannot become human again. Then, she has to light both of us on fire, causing us to die. That doesn't make any sense. I'm not doing it." I say. Xavier just told me and Alice what to do. "Well, let's hope your girlfriend doesn't get mad." Xavier says. I glare at him and turn back to Alice. "We should go." She nods and gets in my car. "You don't buy it, do you?" I ask her. She nods. "It's been done before. I was there." She says. I look at her. "Keep your eyes on the road. Werewolves can still die in a car crash. Vampires can't." I chuckle. "I wouldn't try to hurt you. Ella and Cole would kill me." She nods. "I know."


{Ella's POV}

"I've got it!" Diego says. "What? How I can turn into a werewolf?" He nods. "I remember reading something in a vampire book. It wasn't my memory though." I look at him. "It was mine." He nods. "Exactly. Drink the blood of a werewolf and die. If it doesn't work, hopefully it should be fine. Vampires come back to life, don't they?" I nod. "Xavier did." "Ok then, it's settled." Diego grows werewolf fangs and bite into his wrist. "Diego... I can't do that to you." I say, fighting the urge to feed. "It's necessary. Just drink it." I grab his wrist and start to drink. When I'm done, I look up at him. "Ella..." "Do it." I say. He snaps my neck.

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