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Ok so, I decided to write an epilogue to give you all a little time to figure everything out. This won't be too long, but it will explain some things. Alright, here we go!


"Zach! Get your sorry ass off the couch, we're gonna be late for our first day!" I yell, throwing a pillow at him. He groans and a smirk forms on his face. "Don't you dare." I threaten. Then, he picks me up and runs outside, throwing me in the pool. "Oh hell no!" I grab his ankle and pull him into the water. "I knew you would do that." He says, once his head was above the water. He cups my face and starts kissing me passionately, to the point where I just want to stay in this pool with him forever. I put my arms around his neck and his hands travel down to my waist. I hear banging on the sliding glass door and look up, seeing Mikey. "Come on." He mouths. Zach pouts and I peck his lips. "We'll continue this later. Right now, we have to go be interns." I dry my outfit with my magic and do the same for Zach. "Come on, I'm starting the car!" Mikey yells from the garage. I roll my eyes and grab my bag. "Come on Zach." I say, taking his hand. He grabs his backpack as I pull him out the front door and into Mikey's car. "Big day." Mikey says to me. I sigh. "Big freakin' day."

We get to the hospital and get dressed in our scrubs. The Chief of surgery walks in and my breath hitches. "Each of you will be put to the test." He starts. "As surgical interns, you are to do the forty eight hour shift. Some of you will crumble, others, will succeed, very few, will exceed any expectations. Each of you will find your resident and meet the interns working along side you. If there are no questions, I wish you all good luck." He leaves and a nurse comes by and gives us all our pagers. "Definitely not nervous at all." I mumble sarcastically. Zach chuckles and we all get paged to our residents. "I got Dr. Birch." I say. "Same." I look up and see Cam, Zach, Diego, and Cole. "Great, now they're sexist. At least one more girl intern would suffice." I mutter, putting on my white coat and walking down to the pit.

"Dr. Birch?" She looks up and smiles at me. "Why, hello. You must be my interns. Well, as you know, we have rules in this hospital. Each of you will all be on different services, but I am your resident. If you have any problems, you talk to me. Got it?" I nod and she smiles. "Great. You will be working on sutures today." I nod and the boys follow me as we walk around the E.R. "She seems nice." Cam says. "Yeah, she was a little perky though." Diego says, looking around. "Ok well, let's get to work." I say. "Yes ma'am." They all say in unison, dispersing as I walk over to my first patient. "Hi, what's your name?" I ask. It was a little girl that had a cut on her arm. "Amaya." She says. "Well Amaya, I'm just going to clean up your cut and put some anesthesia, that way, it won't hurt when I'm sewing it up. Sound good?" She nods and smiles at me. I smile back and look up at the lady who I'm guessing was her mother. "Is this the only reason why you brought her?" She nods. "Yes." I nod and start cleaning the wound. "Ok, this is going to hurt for about two seconds, then it'll all be over, ok?" Amaya nods and I stick the needle into her cut. She winces slightly, then relaxes. I sew up her cut and smile at her. "See? Not so bad now, was it?" She shakes her head and gives me a hug. "Thank you." She says. I hug back. "You're welcome." I see Dr. Birch watching me closely. I walk over to her. "I don't mean to sound rude, but is everything ok?" She nods. "Of course. I just, I read your family history and it says that your parents died a while back." I nod. "Yeah." "Are you ok? I know it's been a long time." She says. "Yeah, but I'm fine. Really. My brother and best friend helped me get through it, I assure you." I say. She nods. "Alright then, keep up the good work Rodriguez." I nod and return to my stitches.

Life isn't always what it seems. That's why I wanted to become a surgeon. To save lives and help people find a better understanding of life. The road is tough, but honestly, I can make it. And so can everyone else. I died once. People cried. I came back and I am living my life to the fullest. As I said before. This isn't the end of my story. No. It's just the beginning.


Ok, hopefully that gives you an idea of what the next book is about. It took me awhile and this time, I promise the next chapter will be telling you when the second book is coming out. I've been writing it for awhile and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to make it better than this one. It'll definitely have more drama though. That I can guarantee. I'll see you all next chapter (and book) my little Munchkins!


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