Love and Hate

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{Cam's POV}

I try to relax. Did she just threaten me? I wasn't really sure. Then, we were saved in the most weirdest way possible. "Zach? I didn't think you would be here? Isn't Ella in Chicago?" I turn around and see Alice. "Alice?" I say. "Hey Cam. Don't worry, I did see you... but Zach is kind of my son." I nod in understanding. "I heard." Cynthia crosses her arms. "Who are you?" She says. "I'm Alice. Who are you?" Cynthia's anger rises... I can feel it. "I'm Cynthia. And Zach's cheating on Ella... with me." I raise an eyebrow and Alice laughs. "Please... Zach wouldn't cheat. And if he did, he would have to find someone prettier than Ella. Plus, there's no one prettier than her. Or smarter. So... good try." She says smugly. I smirk at Alice. Zach looked all three of us up and down. "I knew I should've stayed with Rick." "What's this about me?"

{Zach's POV}

I turn around and see Rick. "So I wasn't going to avoid this, even if I stayed with you?" He shrugs. "I came with Sara and Leo." Cynthia's best friend, Emma, walks towards us. "Cyn, I just got a text from the butler. He says that there is an emergency back at the house." Her eyes widen in horror. "Oh no! I forgot to feed Mo!" She says. "Who?" I say. She smiles. "My pet snake." She says. "Wow... someone as cold blooded as you would have snake." Cam mutters. "What was that?" Cynthia asks. "It doesn't matter." He mutters. "That's what I thought. Come on, Em." Cynthia and Emma finally leave us in peace.

{Alice's POV}

In all seriousness, I don't really know if Zach would cheat on Ella. At least... not with that girl Cynthia. She's way too stuck up. "Hey Alice. Where's Xavier?" I shrug at Rick's question. "He said he had some old business to attend to. I actually came here to meet up with Cole." I say. Everyone stares at me. "I know what mega werewolf best friends are if you must know... and so does Cole. We're not putting each other in danger without knowing. I did love him you know. I still do." I shrug and look around. "Now, where is he? He should've been here by now..." I say. "Sorry I'm late!" I turn around and Cole bumps right into me. "Oops. My bad." He says. I laugh. "It's alright. Better late than never." He smiles. "Well anyway... we're off. See you guys later!" I say with a smile.

{Mikey's POV}

I read my magic books out loud and hear a knock on the door. "Come in." Xavier walks through the door with a worried look on his face. "What is it?" I put my book down. "It's Alice. She's mega werewolf best friends with Cole." I sigh. "Is this your jealousy? Or the fact that they put themselves in danger?" He scratches the back of his head. "Both? I don't know. I just... I can't help her if her life is bound to someone else's." I sigh. "You know it makes them twice as powerful... right? I mean come on, I know Ella knows what's happening here. She would've teleported herself back here just to end it." Xavier relaxes a little. "I know all of that. It's just that..." "She's your soulmate? Is that what you were gonna say?" He nods. "Yeah actually, how'd you know that?" I shrug. "I thought that with my last girlfriend." He grins. "I didn't know nerds could get girls." I cross my arms. "We can. I mean... how do you think I met Ella?" His eyes widen. "You dated Ella?!" I nod. "She always feels bad when she breaks up with people, so she befriends her ex's." I say. He laughs. "Of course she does. She's too sweet for that."

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