The Game

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The day went by faster than I thought it would. Before I knew it, I was looking up at the crowd from the side lines as us cheerleaders stretched, and the football players were huddled, making their plan. I look around and see my group of friends. Sara, Rick, and Leo were sitting in the second row and Diego, Cole and Alice were sitting in the first. I saw Xavier enter and smile at me, waving. I wave back and sigh. Then, I see the one person that I never wanted to see again. Oliver. Oliver and Sasha were all the way at the top. Anger filled my entire body and someone touched my arm. "You alright?" Mikey says worriedly. I nod. "You know that I never wanted to see Oliver again." I say. He sighs. "You know, a wise friend told me once, that you should forgive everyone in your life." He says. I cross my arms. "This is different. I was turned into a vampire. It doesn't matter what I said before." I say angrily. He chuckles and takes his hand off of me. "Just... think about it. Good luck." I nod. "You too." Zach and Cam walk up to me. "You ok?" They say in unison. "I'm fine. Just having some... personal issues. It's fine. Go back to the team. You two are literally the best players there." I say. They nod and Cam leaves. "Zach..." I say. He sighs. "Sorry. At least... a kiss for good luck?" I sigh. "Fine." He pulls me close and places a soft, tender kiss on my lips. Once we pull apart, I feel all eyes on us. "Wow. I didn't know kissing was so weird." I say. He nods. "Look at Cynthia." He whispers. I look and turn back to him, trying to stifle a laugh. "I know you see that." I say. Her whole face was red with anger and she had this nasty sneer. It was absolutely hilarious. "The game's about to begin. Good luck." I say to him. He nods and kisses me again. "You too."

"And... the Snakes are in the lead!" The announcer calls out. The football players run off the field, and the marching band come out. When they're done, us cheerleaders run on to the field. "You ok Taylor?" I whisper to her. She was paler than normal. "No... but we just have to do this once, and I can get checked up by the paramedics over there." She whispers back. I nod. "Ok! Five, six, seven, eight." Cynthia says, leading us all, in unison, into our routine. By the end, we have two pyramid-type poses, three girls each, Taylor did a split, and was in the middle, Cynthia had her leg up in the air and Taylor was her stand. I was in the back and I did my backflip and landed right in front of Taylor, winking at her. She winked back and we got back up, cheering madly and shaking our pom poms.

The game ended and the Snakes, us, won by a landslide. "Ella! Over here!" Xavier yelled, holding up Zach proudly on his shoulder. "We have to celebrate." He says happily. I smile and nod. "We do. Let me just find everyone else." I say. He nods and I squirm through the crowd until I spot everyone else talking to each other. "Hey." I say huffing. "Ella! We did it!" Cam says lifting me up in the air. "My senior year was a success. I ended it with a win." He says spinning me around. He puts me down and I sigh. "Zach and Xavier are waiting at the front. I'll meet up with you. I have to go take care of something." I say. I wander through the crowd, again, and spot Oliver and Sasha. "Sasha!" I say. She looks up at me and smiles. "Good job out there Ella. That backflip at the end was amazing." She says happily. I look at Oliver and he lowers his gaze. "Ollie... I forgive you." I say. He looks up and a smile spreads across his face. "Thank you." He says. I sigh. "Don't make me regret it." I say. "I promise, I won't." He says slightly relieved.

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