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After the meteor shower and dinner, Sara and I went up to her room. "You are literally the only person, other than my brother, to be in my room." She says. "Wow. I'm honored." I say. She laughs. "You should be." I enter and see a stary type room, like the bathroom. The only difference was that there was a full moon on the ceiling. "Wow..." I say astonished. She blushes. "It's so you. I love it." I say taking out my stuff. It was all snowy-type things. A blanket as white as snow and really fluffy. And... an igloo tent. "Oh my gosh, you're amazing." Sara says. I smile. "I know. Come in." I say. She crawls in first and I smile again, crawling in after her. It's like the tent from Harry Potter. It's small on the outside, but big on the inside. "You did this?" I nod. "It was an easy spell. Plus, it's good practice." I say. The whole floor was fluffy and bouncy. She started jumping around and it made me fly in the air. "This is fun. Let's just play for a while." She says. "Sounds like a plan."


{Zach's POV}

Ella told me the reason why Rick has been acting so weird, and it was because he was still in shock. I mean... who wouldn't be? If it was Ella who jumped out of the ground, killed me, and didn't remember... I'd be in shock too. I knock on his door and he answers. "Hey Zach. What's up?  I push past him and sit on his couch. "We need to talk." I say. "About?" "Sara coming out of the ground. She's the love of your life and you're still in shock. She killed you and doesn't remember it." He sighs. "I know that. But if it was Ella-" "I would be in shock too. But I'm trying to make it easy on you, and let you talk about it to me. The only people who would know would be you, me, and Ella. Even if you don't tell me, she knows." I say. He sighs again. "Fine. I was the reason she was dead in the first place. The reason there was even a war at all. I'm in shock because it doesn't add up." I tilt my head. "What do you mean?" "How could she still be alive? She's been dead for two centuries. Why would she just show up now? I'm grateful because, again, she's the love of my life. But still, it doesn't add up." I nod. "Actually, your right. And on the same day, Cameron said he was a werewolf." Rick's eyes widen. "The other half of the prophecy..." He whispers. I furrow my eyebrows. "The prophecy about Ella... the other half is written in werewolf writing. We have to go to Leo's house... now."

I knock on the door to Leo's mansion. "Hey Zach, Rick, what's up?" Rick sighs. "Can I see the other half of the prophecy?" He says. "Which one?" Leo says. "The one about Ella." He nods and lets us inside. "The girls are upstairs. They think that I don't know they're awake. It's the psychic connection I have with Ella. Anyway, it's in here." Leo opens a drawer and pulls out a paper with ancient writings. "Can you read it?" He shakes his head. "I haven't practiced since Sara died. The only person who can read it, is Ella." I nod and contact her through our connection. Her and Sara come running down the stairs moments after. "What is it Zach?" She says giggling cheerfully. "Can you translate these writings?" She nods. "Sure." She mutters an incantation and the writings appear in English. I read it aloud. "This girl will have extraordinary powers and win the heart of a vampire and a werewolf. The only way to choose who gets her will be a battle... to the death." I widen my eyes. "What does that mean?" She says. "It means me and Cameron have to fight each other... until one of us loses."

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