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{Ella's POV}

My ears perk up as I feel like people are talking about me. I look over at the bed next to me. Diego was out cold. I get up and walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I look in the mirror and cover my mouth. I had werewolf ears and a soft, wet nose. "Woah..." I say softly. I know that this is not possible... is it? My eyes turn into the werewolf eyes from when I turned not too long ago. "What's happening?" I whisper in a high pitched voice. I hear movement from outside. "Ella... are you alright?" Diego yawns from the other side of the door and I slide down the wall. "No, everything is not fine." I whisper. "What?" He says. "Nothing. I'm fine." I say a little louder. "Are you sure?" I open the door and nod. He stares at me. "Ella... is there something wrong?" I shrug. "Am I still midway turned?" He nods. "I know it's weird. Mikey said a Siren can do anything... I guess I can even do this." I say.

{Diego's POV}

I walk back to bed and watch Ella lay down. What's happening to her? I've read up on Sirens. I know they can do literally anything... but I thought they could control it. Then I remember it. Sirens can only control their powers when they sing in front of a supernatural being. I might be her brother, but I know she wouldn't sing to me. Maybe... Zach? I don't know. She's way too stubborn and shy to sing in front of anyone. I close my eyes and drift off in to sleep.

{Sara's POV}

I stare at all of the clothes around me. Ella said shopping was fun... but she never told me there was so many things to choose from. "Sara... hurry up, will you? I'm starving!" Leo says dramatically. "Of don't be such a baby. Grow up." I say. "I can't." I look back at him with a look of really? He shrugs and walks off. "Find anything you like?" Rick asks, standing next to me. "If I could, I would want to but this whole store." I say. He laughs. "You can't afford that. Plus, the bills." I slap my forehead. "I know that, stupid." He smirks. "I might be stupid but I'm extremely sexy." I cringe and he laughs. "You look cute when you cringe." I smile. "And you look cute when you act like a normal person." I say. "But... we're not normal." I roll my eyes. "Just shut up." "Will do."

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