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{Ella's POV}

I wake up and sigh. Today, I have to fight Cam. "Ella! Come downstairs." Alice calls. "I'm coming!" I say. I hurry down and see Oliver. "Oliver, I told you I never wanted to see your face again." I say angrily. "I know. But... Zach and Diego gave me a spell that I had to do... with you. It's the only way to save you and Cam." I cross my arms. "How do I know you're not lying?" I say. "Because it's written in werewolf writings." Alice says looking in the book that, I'm guessing, contains the spell. I walk over and look into the book. She's right. "Fine. But I still have to go to school. After this spell, don't come and find me." I say. "No promises." He mutters.

I change into my clothes that I brought for me and Sara's sleep over. I'm wearing a light pink dress with brown booties. I magically curl my hair, again, and grab my stuff and leave. "Wait Ella, before you go..." I look back at Alice and sigh. "What is it?" "Don't tell anyone I still have feelings for Xavier." I nod. "I won't." I say. I get into my car and sigh. I have to face Zach... and although I'm not mad anymore, I don't know if he's mad at me.

"Ella!" I turn and see Sara. "Hey Sara. Sorry about yesterday." I say. "It's fine. Listen, Zach told me there was a way to save you and Cam." I nod. "I know. Oliver told me." She tilts her head. "I know I just got resurrected, but... didn't you always call him Ollie?" I nod. "That was before he sold me out to Xavier, who turned me into a vampire." I say. "But... aren't you two friends?" I nod. "Yeah... but I wasn't before." I say. She sighs. "You make no sense." She says. I laugh. "I know I don't." I say. "Hey Ella!" Mikey comes running up to me and almost knocks me over. "Woah! Slow down fellow nerd. Why are you in such a hurry?" I say. He catches his breath and leans on the tree. "Zach said that he needed to see you. By the way, hey Sara." He says. Sara smiles. "Hey Mike." She says. I sigh. "Where's Zach?" I say. "At the football stadium." I nod and head towards the football stadium.

"Zachy... I heard you and Ella broke up." I hear Cynthia say. "We had an arguement, we didn't break up." He says. Well, at least I hope not. He thinks. "Zach! Where are you?!" I call. "On the bleachers!" He calls back. I look up and see Zach with a very annoyed Cynthia. "We need to talk." He says. I nod. "I know." I say. Cynthia scoffs. "You two aren't even together." She says annoyed. "Cynthia, don't you have something else you could be doing? Like, oh I don't know, flirting with the single football players?" I say angrily. She scoffs again. "Whatever. At least I'm on the cheerleading squad." She says. "You know that I resigned, right? I was the head of every cheerleading squad in the school." She huffs and storms off. "Dang Ella." Zach says. I sigh. "Now, what is it about you making me do a spell with Oliver?" He rolls his eyes. "Didn't you used to call him Ollie?" I nod. "That was before he turned me in and made me a vampire." I say. "Aren't you and Xavier friends?" I nod again. "Yes. Did you and Sara have this conversation yesterday?" He nods. "You left. Who else was I supposed to talk to?" I roll my eyes. "Whatever. Back to my question." "Diego and I were discussing this last night. You can free me and Cam from the prophecy. Which leaves only you. No one would have to fight. Problem solved." I sigh. "There's one flaw in your plan smart guy. The spell that you want me to do needs four magical beings. Sure, you got me and Oliver, and don't forget Xavier. But even with us, we still need someone else." I say. "I know someone." Zach says. "Who?" "That would be me." I turn around and see Mikey. "Mikey?" I say. "Yup. I know magic too. How else do you think I got hooked on Harry Potter?" I shrug. "Don't know. You're a smart one, aren't you Zach?" I say. He blushes. "Yes I am."

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