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I stare at her and see Xavier with a nasty look. "Don't waste your time on him. He's a newbie vampire and will never know how to feed right." Xavier taunts. He was right. "You're wrong." She says. He cuts deeper and she winces. "I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you. Your life is in my hands." He says. "It doesn't matter. You are the rudest person I've ever met." She says. Suddenly, a bright light filled the area. There was a scream of pain and I looked at Xavier, who was on the floor turning into a pile of ashes. "You shouldn't piss me off either. I'm stronger than you ever were." With that, he crumbled into a pile of dust, and drifted off into the day. "I hated him so much." She says as Diego starts to check the cuts. "Woah. These are really deep Ella. You should actually be dead." She nods. "I know. When Zach came, the compulsion was gone, so I flipped through some of his old spell books and found a protection spell." She says. "It was tricky... but I guess it worked." She added, wiping her neck. "We should get back." Diego says. "Actually... I want to be with Zach for a while." She says. I feel my heart skip a beat. Diego's eyes narrow, but he nods. "Fine. Be back by the time the moon rises." She nods and walks towards me.


{Ella's POV}

I just told Zach that I loved him. In all seriousness... I do. He's always there for me. Plus, when he feeds on me, he's not that rough. Not like Xavier was. "Zach..." I say when Diego leaves. He doesn't look me in the eye. "Look Ella, I know that you were just trying to distract him so you could do that." I shake my head. "Zach... I wasn't lying." I say. I see something flicker in his eyes. "Do you love me?" The words came out faster than I thought. "Of course I love you. I've loved you literally my entire life." A smile spreads across my face. "Does being a vampire change that?" He shakes his head. "Actually... it made it stronger." He stares at me now, his big hazel eyes twinkling. Then, what happened next caught me off guard.


{Diego's POV}

I leave Zach and Ella alone. I regret it deeply. "He's on the opposite side." I say aloud. My phone rings and I answer it. "Hey Diego! Why was everyone asking me where Alice's ex lived?" Cole asked. I sigh. "It was the guy who took her. He compelled her into the house and was keeping her there... Xavier is Alice's ex." I hear a thud from the other end. "What?! Her ex is a vampire?!" I sigh. "Yeah. A werewolf and vampire love. I already see how that went wrong. Look... I'll see you later, I have to go do something." I say. "Ok. Bye." He says. I hang up and turn around. I am not leaving my sister alone with a vampire.


{Zach's POV}

I pull Ella into a kiss. I feel myself smiling. She smiles too. I hear a screech and turn around. "What are you doing with my sister?!" Diego pulled up in his car and slammed the door. "Diego. Leave it." She says. "I will not. He's messing with your feelings. He's a vampire." She crosses her arms. "So?" "I'm a werewolf! We are in the middle of a war!" He yells. "But I'm not in the war." She says. "Yes... but you care about people on both sides." He says. "Look... it doesn't matter. I'll protect her at all costs." I say, finally defending myself. "Why don't you go with your little vampire friends and leave my sister out of it?!" He says. There was a gust of wind that picked up out of nowhere. "Diego, you know I love you, but do not insult Zach." She says. He gets back in his car angrily and drives off. "Ella... he's right you know. We are in the middle of a war. A century-old war at that." I say once he's gone. She sighs. "I know. But that doesn't change anything. Well... maybe a little." I tilt my head. "I have powers. Maybe I can stop this war." I start to laugh. She raises an eyebrow. "You don't think I can?" I continue to laugh. "Ella, this war has been going on for centuries. There's no way you could convince both werewolves and vampires to end it. People have tried. They died the next morning." She punches my shoulder angrily. "Well then  it's good thing I'm powerful." She says. I roll my eyes. "Ella, don't put yourself into a position you can't escape from." I say. "Look, I get it. I'm stubborn. But I know that I can at least try. Will you let me?" I nod slowly. "Alright, but be careful ok?" She nods. "I'll leave at first light." With that, she disappears in an instant. "I'll never get used to that." I say aloud, chuckling.


{Ella's POV}

I managed to get Zach to let me try and stop the war. I know for a fact it's not going to be easy, but there's no harm in trying. I appear at the gate of my rich friend, Oliver's, house. I knock and he immediately opens. "Hey Ella! Fancy seeing you at this time of day. Shouldn't you be at school?" Oliver is just about Diego's age, he helps me with everything. "Hey Ollie! Listen, I really need to tell you something." I say. "Well then, come on in." He says, stepping to the side. I enter and look at the familiar painting. "Have you found her yet?" I ask. His girlfriend, Sasha, disappeared two months ago. "No. But what about you? What did you want to tell me?" I take a deep breath. "I have powers. Like, magic. Not crappy super powers." He stands there transfixed. "I was wondering when you were going to tell me." He says, pulling a book from the bookcase, to reveal a hidden door.

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