Summer Fun

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"I thought so too." Xavier says. Mikey and I had just told everyone what I was. "A Siren? I haven't seen one of those since Sara died." Leo says. Sara sighs. "No wonder I get along with you. My best friend was a Siren." She says. "Ok so... I can transform? What does that even mean? I can turn into a dragon, like the ones in Harry Potter?" I question. "Why is everything Harry Potter with you?" Mikey asks. "Because it can be. Anyway... back to my question." "You could. You can even turn into other people." He says. I smile slightly. "Even you?" He nods. "Yes." I whisper.

The last week of school goes by really fast and before I know it, it's time for the yearly summer road trip. "Where are we going this year?" I ask packing up some cute clothes. "It's a surprise. Don't worry, you'll love it." Diego says putting everything in the car. "It's the first road trip without Mom and Dad..." I say sadly. Diego looks at me. "You're still not over it?" I sigh and shake my head. "I'm not." He pulls me into a hug. "They're gone Ella. But if you need to-" "Need to what?" I cut him off automatically. "If you're a Siren, you can travel to the dead." I tilt my head. "I'm sorry, 'travel to the dead'? That makes no logical sense." He sighs. "It makes perfect sense. If you can turn into other people, you can travel through death." I shudder. "Nope. That is freaky." I say. He laughs. "I've done it before." I turn around and see Zach. "Hey! What are you doing here?" I say hugging him. "I just came to see you off. You have your annual sibling bonding time." He says. I smile. "Yeah..." "Ella, come on! If you don't get in here now we'll miss the- nevermind, I can't say 'cause then you'll know." Diego calls from the car, which was already pulled out of the driveway. Zach wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a deep kiss. "Are you going to miss that while you're gone?" He says smirking. I nod. "Definitely." I say. I kiss him again and run out to Diego. "Let's go to Chicago!" I say happily. His jaw drops. "Two words. Psycic connection." He sighs. "Should've seen that coming."

{Cole's POV}

"Alice... I really need to tell you something." Alice looks back at me. "What is it?" I run a hand through my hair. "I-I cheated on you." She gives me a blank expression. "It was a one night stand, I swear! I just... drank way too much tequila." Her face relaxes. "That's the lamest excuse ever. Supernatural beings don't get drunk. I'm not mad though... as long as you don't get mad at me." She says. I tilt my head. "My old feelings for Xavier came back... they're stronger though." She says. I sigh. "And he loves you back." She nods even though it wasn't a question. "So... are we... done?" She sighs. "If you want us to be." I nod. "I think... I do." She sighs. "Can we still be friends?" I nod. "Like... mega werewolf best friends?" I ask. She smiles and laughs. "Mega werewolf best friends it is." She says smiling.

{Xavier's POV}

There's a knock on the door and I open it to find Alice. "Alice? What are you doing here?" She crosses her arms. "You win." I tilt my head. "You made me love you again. You have me." I smirk. "That quickly? I thought it would take you years to finally love me back." She sighs. "I did too. But then you adopted Zach and I realized just how much you had changed. You're a good person." She says. I smile. "Zach's going to come over later and Diego and Ella are off on a road trip." I stand aside. "Please, come in." She smiles. "Gladly."

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