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I sigh. "How did I not know that you were magical?" I say. "It's a spell I learned a while ago. It hides magic." I laugh. "A spell that hides magic?" He laughs too. "I know. Weird. So anyway, Zach told me he was a vampire." I punch Zach in the arm. "Why do you go around telling people what you are?" He rubs his arm. "Why do you always have to hit me so hard? And anyway, I told him because I caught him doing magic." I look back at Mikey. "Really?" He shrugs. "It's my magic." I sigh. "You kind of, could've, exposed the entire supernatural world, you do know that right?" He sighs. "Are you done, mom?" He says. I cross my arms. "Very funny." I say.

After I gathered up all of us magical beings, we went to a sacred place. "The old dragon breeding grounds?" Sara says pinching her nose. "Ok... I know it stinks. But... the spell has to be performed in a sacred place, and this was the only one here in California." I say. I had gathered up the whole gang. Sara, Leo, Rick, Xavier, Cam, Zach, Alice, Cole, Oliver, Sasha, Mikey, and Diego. "Ella, this is a really advanced spell. Are you sure you can do it?" Xavier says. I nod. "Of course I can. I turned you into dust once, remember?" I say. He crosses his arms. "I can't be mad, I turned you into a vampire." I nod. "That's what I thought." I say looking into the spell book. "Ok... Mikey, what's your form of magic?" I say. "I have animal magic." He says. "Ok. So... you stand over there." I say pointing over to the right. He walks over. "Xavier..." "I'm at the left, Oliver is in the middle, and you're in front of him." He says. We get into position and I lock hands with Oliver. "Remember the spell?" He nods. "Alright..." We start to chant in unison and the wind picks up around us.

After the spell, I collapse into Zach's arms. "You ok?" I shake my head. "That took a lot out of me. Did it work?" Everyone looks at the paper with the prophecy. "You did it. It did, indeed, work." Rick says. I smile. "Good. I'm tired. And my head hurts." I say. Zach picks me up. "I'm not surprised. Who are you staying with tonight?" I look around. Everyone that I love is in one place. "I think... I'll stay at your place, actually." I say. Zach nods. "Alright. After school tomorrow, we'll meet back at Xavier's place." He says. We all nod and go back to our cars. "You know, I forgot to mention this, but you're really light." Zach says once we get into the car. "Thanks? I guess practicing with the cheerleaders, helping the dance team, and running around the school to tutor other students really paid off then." I say. He laughs. "I don't know if you were being sarcastic or not." I laugh. "I wasn't. But we need to talk about what happened yesterday." He sighs. "Listen-" "No. Let me talk first." I say, cutting him off. "I overreacted. I just... I didn't want to see you in pain. Or like, what was going to happen, you dead. I guess when it comes to you, I don't think straight." He chuckles. "I'm serious. I love you." I say. "I love you too." He says. I close my eyes and sigh. "Tomorrow's Friday." I say. I love long weekends. "Tomorrow is Friday." He echos.

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