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{Zach's POV}

"What?!" I run my hand through my hair. My best friend was taken, and for some reason, I think I know why. "Why?" I ask. "To get to us, you know what we are." Cole says. "And you know what I am." I counter. Diego starts getting suspiciously close. "Where is she?" He says. "Does it look like I know?" Diego's eyes flicker. "Look, I don't know where she is. But I'll look through some of the old vampire history books." He nods his approval and leaves with Cole. "Don't worry Ella, I'll find you."


{Ella's POV}

He jams the device in my neck once more, making me scream again. He pulls it out, and then puts it away, lifting up my chin and wiping my tears. "Hmm... You should be dead by now. Something tells me you're not human." I look into his piercing brown eyes. "" I feel myself growing weaker by the second. "But you're definitely something... extraordinary." He gets up and leaves, locking the cell door behind him. "You should get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow." He walks back up the stairs. I manage to get to the cot on the other side of the room. "Don't worry Ella, I'll find you." My hands tremble as I hear Zach's voice ringing in my ears. That means that he knows I'm missing.


{Diego's POV}

Cole and I get back home and we both collapse on the couch. "So he doesn't know where she is. Now what?" I say. "We look through our own history. Find what we can, and save her." I nod. "I'm crashing here for night, by the way. You're a little too unstable." I nod again and take out a bunch of blankets and pillows. "Fine. But first thing in the morning, we start." I say. He nods and lays down. "You have to sleep too." I head up stairs and change into my pajamas, walking into Ella's room. Her bright blue and pink covers match her room. I start to feel sick to my stomach. My sister is gone and I don't know where she is.


{Ella's POV}

I wake up and look out of the barred door. The boy from yesterday now had pulsing veins under his eyes. "You're a vampire." I say, surprisingly calm. "Wait...were you watching me?" I add. He nods. "Did I not tell you that you were pretty?" I blush and feel a single tear roll down my cheek. "Are you going to hurt me again?" I ask shakily. He shakes his head. "No. Apparently, there's a vampire who's here to take you home. You're caught in the middle of a century-old war, I'm not going to be surprised if you die." He unlocks the door and helps me up. "You're cold and shaky." I look into his eyes and see my green-eyed reflection. He takes me out and I immediately see Zach. "Ella!" He runs up to me and picks me up bridal style. "Come on. I have to go tell your brother."


{Zach's POV}

After searching through my old vampire history, I came across a secret chamber just below the school. I had picked up Ella, she was cold and shaky. "What did they do to you?" I ask her. Her eyes flutter. "He jammed something into my neck." She says, showing me a still-bleeding wound. I feel my fangs grow and my eyes pulse, the hunger was consuming me. "Don't do it." She whispered, holding my hand. "But...the hunger-" "Fight it." I felt myself going back to normal and she relaxes a little. "I would let you... but I feel something in my blood that's not supposed to be there. Just take me home." I sit her in the passenger seat. "I'll call Diego, he needs to know that you're safe." She nods and closes her eyes. I shut the door and dial her brother. "Hey. Did you find anything?" I hear from the other end. "Yeah. I just picked her up." I say. "Good. Bring her home." He hangs up and I get into the car, driving to Ella's house.


{Ella's POV}

Zach had found me. I was staring out of the window. That boy was right. I was extraordinary. My best friend was a vampire. My brother and his best friend were werewolves. My life couldn't get any weirder. "Zach?" I say. "Yes?" He replies, keeping his eyes on the road. "That boy... do you know him?" Zach's shoulders tense a little bit, but he nods nonetheless. "His name is Xavier. He's a 207 year old vampire." My eyes widen in horror. "He called me extraordinary." I say. "You are. You manage to contain yourself when I'm feeding off of you." I look at him, his face was pale. "I want to know something." I say suddenly. "Anything." He replies. "The war between werewolves and vampires, how long has it been going on exactly?" He takes a deep breath. "I don't know the answer to that. You have to ask someone else." I nod and look out of the window again. Xavier knew what Zach was. Does that mean that he knows he feeds off of me?

Diego runs out of the house, followed by Cole. "Ella! What did they do to you?" He says, picking me up like Zach did. "Let her rest." Zach said. "This is our war, not hers. I'll explain inside... if you invite me in." He adds. Diego looks at me. I nod. "Fine. But no funny business." Zach nods and we head inside. Cole cleans up my wound and puts a bandage on it. "So... what happened?" Zach tells Diego and Cole what I told him, except for the part where Xavier called me extraordinary. "I'm so sorry Ella. You're caught in our war and I don't know how to fix it." I shake my head. "No. But you deserve to know the truth." I say. He looks at me questioningly. "I'm technically still human, but that boy that tortured me, Xavier, said I was extraordinary... and he was right." The three boys look at me confused. "...I have powers." They all stare at me, in awe.


Hey guys! So, I know this chapter is a little weird... but trust me it gets good.


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