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{Zach's POV}

I wake up and sigh. School? Really? Only Ella would be happy about this. Although, school is the only normal thing about my life. That, and football. "Zach! Come down here!" Xavier calls. I get up and get dressed, messing up my hair. "Why is your hair so messy?" He asks when I get downstairs. "Because it can be. Why do you care?" I say. "Because we're vampires. We have to look better than the werewolves." He says. I laugh. "The war's over." I say. He nods. "I know." My phone starts to ring. "It's Ella." I say. "Hey Zach! Where are you?" "Hey Ella. I'm at Xavier's house. Why?" I say. "I'm at school and you have practice this afternoon. Or did you forget?" That's right! I have football practice after school. "No! I didn't forget." "Sure you didn't. Well anyway, I have to go. I have to tutor some of your teammates." I just remembered she was the smartest kid in the school. How do I forget something like that?" "Ok. I'll see you in a couple of minutes. Bye." "Bye." I hang up and sigh. "I heard your entire conversation. What is she, the smartest girl in the school?" Xavier says. "Actually, she is." I say. "Well, you heard her, you need to get to school." I nod. "Fine. Let's just get this day over with." I say.


{Ella's POV}

"Zach!" Zach got out of the car and I wrapped my arms around him. "Hello beautiful." He says, kissing my forehead. "Hey Xavier!" I say. "Hey Ella! I heard you were the smartest person in the school." I blush and nod. "Yeah. I just finished tutoring some of the football players." I say. The bell rings and I jump in surprise. "We're going to be late! Bye Xavier. Come on Zach!" I pull Zach along with me as we run into History.

"Now tell me class... what is a vampire?" I look over at Zach from the other side of the classroom. They really had to teach us about supernatural beings, didn't they? "Anyone?" I roll my eyes and raise my hand. "Ella." I sigh. "A vampire is a supernatural being. They cannot roam during the day, but at night, they feed off of the blood of us humans, meaning that they are nocturnal. Though, they're not real." I say, looking over at Zach again, who was messing with his pencil. "Correct. Now along to the lesson..." I stare out the window until the bell rings. I gather my things and run into my other best friend, well now my best friend since I'm dating Zach. Cameron. "Cameron! Hey!" I say happily. "Hey! So listen, after the game this Friday, the guys and I are going to throw a party. Do want to come?" I nod. "Sure! Why not?" I say. "Ella, come on! We're going to be late for Biology." Zach says. "Alright, see you later Cameron!" I say. "Bye."


{Xavier's POV}

I drive to Ricardo's house and knock on the door. "Hey man. I really need to get something off of my chest." He nods. "Yeah, come in." He says. I walk inside as he closes the door. "What is it?" He says. "I want to adopt Zach." I say. His eyes widen. "Wait... why? Doesn't he have parents?" I shake my head. "They died three years ago. He said they died of cancer." He sighs. "That's a big step. Why do want to adopt him?" I sigh. "He has nobody. Well... except for Ella. But other than that, he's alone. And I've actually grown to like him." I say. He nods. "I mean... if it's what you, and Zach, then I say, go for it." "Thanks. I have to go pick him up from football practice." I say.

I pick up Zach. "Hey, so listen, there's been something that I wanted to ask you." I say. "What is it?" I take a deep breath. "I want to adopt you." His eyes widen. "Really?" I nod. "Really." His eyes light up and he smiles. "A vampire being a father. That sounds like a recipe for disaster." He says. We both laugh. "You're right. How did practice go?" I say. "It went great! Ella was there too. She had to help the cheerleaders with a couple of their routines." He says. "Wait... Ella can do that too?" He nods. "She's the most talented student in the whole school." He says. "How is Ella? Is she ok?" He nods. "Yeah. She's always loved school." He says.


{Ella's POV}

After helping the cheerleaders with their routines, Diego picks me up. "Are you hungry?" He asks. I look at him like he's the dumbest person in the world. "I had to tutor the whole football team, excluding Zach, this morning. Then, I had to answer every question in all of my classes. And to top it all off, I had to help the cheerleaders practice for their performance this Friday. So, of course I'm hungry, dear brother of mine." He sits there, dumbfounded. "Alright. What do you want to eat?" I shrug. "Food." I answer. "What kind of food?" He says. "Why don't we ask Cole and Alice?" I say. He tilts his head. "I know you were going to ask them to join us. In all seriousness, I eat everything. So, it doesn't matter to me." He nods. "Ok. Are you going to invite Zach? I nod. "He's supposed to feed on me today." I say. Diego winces and I sigh. "I'm human again. Which means he has to drink from my blood." He sighs. "I should've killed him before I got too attached." I smile and lean back. "I'm extremely tired. Wake me up when we get home." I say, closing my eyes.


Hey guys! I'm really sorry I'm posting these really late at night, but since it's summer, I've been really busy. Which means, that it takes me a while to write. So anyway, I just wanted to get that out of the way.

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