New Kid

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I wake up and sigh. My best friend and my boyfriend slept at my house. It was like a sleepover... except with guys. I look over in the mirror and see a pair of bright green eyes. My eyes are so weird. Leaf green. Strange, right? "Ella..." Zach muttered sleepily. I look over at him and he rolls over. I giggle and walk to the bathroom, getting ready for school. Today, I'm wearing short black shorts with a white shirt, and white booties. I curled my hair and plopped back on my bed. What if I woke them up? I jump on Zach and, as if by instinct, kisses me. "How did you know it was me?" I say. "Psycic connection. Works both ways." I shake my head. "It's not supposed to. I guess it's because you're my boyfriend." I say. "I've shipped you two together for years and now you like each other?" I look over at Cameron. "That's funny. Last time I checked, you asked me to the 8th grade formal." He blushes slightly. "It was the best night if my life..." He says. I smile. "I know it was and no Zach. Clense your dirty soul." I say as I feel Zach's dirty thoughts race through my mind. "Sorry. Couldn't help it. By the way, you look really pretty." He says. "I know." I grab my bag and walk downstairs. Since I'm the smartest kid in school, I never get homework. Never. It's a relief. "Good morning." Diego says. I smile and hug him. "Hello to you too. Listen, I was wondering if you could... well..." He tilts his head. "Get a girlfriend." His eyes widen. "I expected something totally different. No, I can't get a girlfriend." My cheeks start to get all puffy and I pout. "Why? I want a sister-in-law." I whine. "Stop acting so childish. Besides, you know what happened with that last girl." I sigh. "Jessica. Typical stereotypes I guess. But still, you haven't been with anyone in two years." I say. He sighs. "Fine. I'll get a friend that's a girl and we'll go from there." I smile. "Yay! Now take me to school!" I say happily. "I was never that happy in high school. Too much homework." He says. "Well than, I guess it's lucky that I'm the smartest person in the school." His eyes widen. "You never told me that! So your the snobby kid that's so perfect?" I punch him in the arm. "I'm not snobby. I'm the most talented person in the school ok? Don't be mad that I do high school better than you did."

After Diego drops me off, I run into Sara. "Sara? What are you doing here?" She smiles up at me. "Finally. Someone I know. I'm here because Leo told me I had to make friends. That's going to be hard. I know that for a fact." She says. I sigh. "It is hard to make friends. But you can sit with me and Zach at lunch. He's a football player so he'll attract the crowd. Then, you can choose who you want to be your friends. I'm friends with everyone, so there's really no one bad here." I say. She nods. "I figured you were 'popular' as Leo says it." She says. "I'm not popular." I say. "You kind of are." I turn around at the sound of Cameron's voice. "Hey Cam! This is Sara. Sara, this is my best friend Cam." I say. She smiles and waves a little. "Hello."  "Hey Cam? Where's Zach?" I say. "He had to talk to the team." He says. "Listen, I gotta go see if I can get some extra credit in Algebra so I'll see you later." I nod. "Alright, good luck with that." I say as he leaves. "What's 'algebra'?" Sara says. I laugh. "It's a type of math." I say. She tilts her head. "What's 'math'?" I sigh. "Leo did an awful job. I guess it's my turn."

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