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"What is this place?" I say once we enter. "It's my training area. You're not the only one who's trying to stop this war." I stare at Ollie in awe. "Wait... so you know how to do magic?" He nods. "Yeah...and I felt the magic in you all this time." He says. I feel myself becoming even more overwhelmed. So it wasn't a secret after all. "So... does that mean-" "Yes, I know what Zach, Diego, Cole and all of them are. Werewolves and vampires." I stand there, astonished. "Well, should we start training or what?" He says, motioning me towards a star in the middle of the room. I nod. "Let's do this."


{Zach's POV}

Once I got home, I started looking through more vampire history. If Ella was going to survive, I had to learn how to be a good vampire... the best vampire. "Ok. So, compulsion seems pretty easy. Just have to look them in the eye and really mean what I'm saying." I say aloud. I turn the page and read something about visions. "Wait... vampires can make people see what we want them to see? That's wicked." I say aloud again. Maybe being a vampire did have its perks. 


{Ella's POV}

I struggle to gain control of my own body. "Focus Ella. Compulsion is a lot stronger than this." I drop my hands and sigh. "I need a break Ollie. My head is literally killing me." He nods. "Alright." We walk to his living room and collapse onto his couch. "I knew magic was difficult, but this is just ridiculous." I say, massaging my temples. He nods and sighs. "I know. It took me years to perfect my magic. And I only have one kind." I tilt my head. "So, I have more power than you do?" I say. He nods again. "Yes. But I can help you with the mental parts of your magic." I nod. "Let's continue. When we finish, I'm going to ask Zach to try and compel me." I say standing up. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Positive."


{Cole's POV}

I knock on Alice's door. "Who is it?" She calls. "Your boyfriend." I answer. She opens the door. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "A guy can't visit his girlfriend?" She gives a small laugh. "I didn't mean it like that, silly. I meant that I just saw you. What's up?" She says letting me in. "Well, I just found out your ex was the guy who took Ella." She gasps. "And that he's a vampire." She stares blankly at me. "You didn't know, did you?" She shakes her head. "He was never around much. That's why I broke up with him." I nod. "Well, since you're here, do you want to watch a movie?" I nod again. "Sure. But nothing to do with vampires or werewolves. I have enough of that as it is." She nods and leads me to her living room.


{Diego's POV}

I get back home and collapse on the couch. Why did Ella fall in love with a vampire? I sigh and walk to the kitchen, checking the calendar. "Aw crap. It's full moon tonight." I run my hand through my hair. I have to get Cole and Alice and leave as fast as we can. We won't be back for a little over a week. "At least Ella doesn't have to do this." I say, grabbing my backpack from last time. During a full moon, we go full blood hound. But when we turn on our own, we control everything we do. I dial Cole and hear a groan from the other end. "What is it now? I'm trying to watch a movie with Alice." I chuckle. "It's a full moon tonight. We gotta leave as soon as possible." I hear a thud from the other end. We drop our phones way to much. "Holy crap!" He hangs up and I sigh. "Every bloody month."


{Ella's POV}

I fall to the floor, exhausted. "Maybe we should take another break." Ollie says worried. "No...! I... have to keep... trying." I say getting up again. "Your mind can't take any more of this. You need to rest." I collapse and sigh. "Alright. But we start first thing again tomorrow morning." He nods."Fine." He carries me back into his living room. "It's a full moon tonight. Who should I call?" I look up. "Zach." He nods and leaves the room. I take out my phone and call Diego. "Hey Diego!" "Hey Ella! What's up?" I sigh and twirl my hair in between my fingers. "What if I told you I was practicing my magic all afternoon?" I hear a thud from the other end. Why do we drop our phones so much? "Wait... how? Xavier is dead." "I know. I killed him. Listen. Oliver knows how to do magic. Well... just the mental magic." He sighs on the other end. "At least you're practicing. Listen, Cole and Alice are with me. It's a full moon." "I know. Be careful out there ok?" I say. "Ok. Be safe while I'm gone. Bye." "Bye." I hang up and Ollie returns. "Zach said he's on his way. Are you ok?" I shake my head. "This is all too much. I mean, why is it that our lives are so weird?" He shrugs. "We're supernatural. So, it's in our nature." I sigh. "We're living adult lives. I mean, you already are one. But I'm just saying." "Yeah. It is pretty freaky when you think about it." There's a knock on the door. "And that's Zach. Bye Ollie." I say. "Bye Ella."


{Zach's POV}

I knock on the door and Ella walks out. "Hey Zach!" She says happily. "Why are you so happy?" She smiles. "How can I not be? Xavier is gone. Not only that, but Ollie was helping me with my magic. Of course, I still need to train more." She says sitting in the car. "Listen, Ella there's a full moon tonight." I say. "I know. That's why I told Ollie to call you." I smirk slightly.

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