The Threat

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{Ella's POV}

I wake up wrapped in Zach's arms. We talked all night until I finally fell asleep. "Zach..." I whisper, playing with his hair. "Zach, wake up." He groans and pouts. "Let me sleep." I giggle. "You're cute when you're upset. Listen, I really have to go." He looks at me with a confused look. "Mikey said he would help me with my powers. I should be able to control it now, but he's going to help me anyway." He nods. "Ok, you can go."

I walk out to the backyard and sit on the edge of his pool, the water up to my calves. Zach comes out and sits beside me. "Didn't you say you had to go?" I nod. "I don't feel like going right now." I say. He rolls his eyes. "So you woke me up for nothing?" I laugh. "No. I just... woke you up because I wanted to." An idea pops into my head and I push him into the pool. He yelps as he goes under. I try to get my feet but he grabs my ankle. "Oh no. You pushed me in and I'm taking you with me." I gasp before he pulls me under. I come back up to the surface and he smirks. "That's not fair! You know it takes forever for my hair to dry!" He chuckles. "I'm serious. Why did you-" Before I can finish, his lips met mine, making me quiet. He smiles against my lips and I push him off of me, getting out. "Oh come on. Don't be like that. You started it." I pout and he gets out too. "I'm sorry, ok?" I shake my head. "It's not that." He furrows his eyebrows. "Then what is it?" I sigh. Before I can tell him, I hear my phone ring. "Hold on." I walk to the table near the beach chair. "Hello?"

"Listen Ella."

"Who is this?"


I look at Zach. I mouth, listen in.

"What do want?"

"For you to break up with Zach. I know you two got back together."

I laugh. "Yeah, I don't think so."

"That's funny. If you don't do it, I won't tell Zach how he can drink from a blood bag."

"I don't care. He drinks from the vein and he's survived two years no thanks to you."

"Fine. I'll just have to kill you."

"You can try. I died twice and came back. You have nothing against me."

"Actually, I do."

"Really? Like who?"

"Like a certain werewolf named Cam."

She hangs up and I look at Zach. "She's got Cam." I whisper. Zach stares at me, his eyes searching my face. "We have to get him back." He says. "How? She's a vampire!" "So am I." I look up at the sky. "My powers." I whisper. "What?" "What if I made her human? You know, cure her of vampirism." He nods slowly. "That could work, but she would probably just turn back. Besides, Emily is a werewolf." I look at him confused. "Really?" He nods. "This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought."

{Cam's POV}

I stare up at the ceiling. Cynthia's gonna use me to break apart Ella and Zach. I don't think so. I think I can get to Emily. After all, we're both werewolves. Cynthia comes into the room. "Zach's as good as mine. So sorry I had to do this to you Cam." I scoff. "That's an obvious lie. You hate our group. I mean, you turned Zach into a vampire." She laughs. "I did do that. And I don't regret it. We can be together forever. Literally." I shake my head. "No. You won't. Ella would never break up with him." "How do you know?" I smirk. "Do you not know what she is?" "I do. So?" I laugh. "So? Sirens can make anyone do what they want." "That's where you're wrong. See, a Siren has to sing in front of another supernatural being. Ella doesn't like to sing in front of anyone." My face falls. She's right. I use me and Ella's connection to see what she's done, and what she's doing. I smile. "The irony." "What?" My smile grows bigger. "She's already sang, in front of Zach." Her face falls. "No..." "Yes. Cynthia, you're gonna be so sorry." She leaves the room and slams the door behind her.

{Leo's POV}

Cam was taken not that long ago. I can feel it. Werewolf connections I guess. "Leo, are you ok?" Sara entered my room. "Yeah. Cam was taken earlier. But he's gonna be fine. He's best friends with Ella." Her eyes widen, then her face softens. "Yeah, Ella would kill to save her friends."

{Mikey's POV}

Ella called me and told me to go over to Zach's house. Once I get there, she tells me everything. "You're a Siren. Sirens can make anyone do whatever they want. Did you sing to anyone?" "Oh yeah, she did." Zach says. "I'm guessing by your immediate response, she sang to you?" They both nod. "Her voice is beautiful. Like an angel's." She blushes. "So back to this, how are we gonna make her listen to me?" I look at her. "You're supposed to look into her eyes and say exactly what you want her to do. But, you have to make sure she's looking at you. If not, it won't work." She nods. "Ok. Lets go."

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