A New Beginning

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{Ella's POV}

We get to Cynthia's mansion and I look around. "Zach..." "It's gonna be ok... I hope." I roll my eyes. "Oh yeah, that was reassuring." I say sarcastically. I knock on the door and Emily opens it. "Emily-" "Shh!" She covers my mouth and I look at her with a confused look. "I'm on your side. It's ok." I nod, still confused. She removes her hand. "Is Cam ok?" I blurt out. "Of course. He's fine." I sigh a sigh of relief. "So then, where is he?" Zach asks. "Upstairs. I'm gonna sneak you two up. But I have to warn you, Cynthia is a pure blood vampire." I tilt my head. "What does that mean?" Zach and Emily sigh. "It means that she can compel any vampire or werewolf."

We manage to go upstairs without alerting Cynthia. "Cam!" I whisper-shout. "Ella!" He whisper-shouts back. I embrace him and Emily shushes us. "Do want her to find us?" I shake my head. "Then shut your mouth and let's go." We walk out and get to the main hall. "This seems too easy." Zach whispers. "Shh! You'll jinx it." Cam whispers back. "Too late." I turn around and see Cynthia. I roll my eyes. "Of course this would happen." I use my connection with Mikey to tell him to get in here. He stayed in the car. "What do you want?" "Did I not already make it clear?" Zach steps up and wraps his arm around my waist. "You did. But we'll never do it." Cynthia stares into his eyes and I already know what's coming. "Fight Ella." I look into his eyes and see him trying to fight it. He fails. His fangs grow and I backflip out of the way. Wow... my reflexes are killer. He turned full ripper and I look into his eyes. "Don't even try. Pure blood vampires trump Sirens." I ignore Cynthia and look at Zach. "Zach... look at me." He looks at me. "You don't want to hurt me." Cynthia laughs. I ignore her again. "Zach..." His eyes flicker. He's fighting it. "That's it. Zach, keep looking at me." I get closer and closer until we're just inches apart. My lips meet his and we close our eyes.

We pull apart and Cynthia stood there, wide-eyed, jaw dropped. "But, I'm a pure blood. How did it not work?" "They're soul mates." Cam breathes. "B-but I thought, we were supposed to be soul mates." Cynthia falls to the floor in tears. "Cyn, I'm so sorry." Emily steps forward and tries to comfort her. "How could I be so stupid?" Cynthia sobs into her hands and Emily wraps her arms around her. "I think we should go." I say. Zach nods, but Cynthia looks up, shaking her head. "I'm so sorry Ella, Zach, Cam. I don't know what's wrong with me." Frick! Stop crying or I'm gonna start to care. She let's out a sob and on instinct, I sit next to her. "It's ok." She looks up at me. "Really?" I nod. "Really." Emily looks at me. "I know this isn't the time, but is Diego single?" I nod. "Why?" I realize why in that moment. "He doesn't even know you exist. You're gonna have to do a lot to get him to notice you." She sighs. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Mikey runs in and sighs. "Ella..." "We're ok. I promise." He nods and stands next to Zach and Cam. "I should go." Emily nods. I get up and walk out with the boys. "How do you make everyone love you?" Mikey asks. I shrug. "Because she's perfect." Zach says. I blush and sit in the back with Mikey. "I'm not perfect." I say as I plug in the aux chord. "What are you going to play?" Cam asks from the front seat. "You'll see." I put on Sorry Not Sorry by Demi Lovato. "I love this song!" All the boys exclaim at once. I laugh as they all start singing along. "Baby I'm sorry!" They all scream at the top of their lungs. I honestly can't stop laughing, it's adorable. I look at Mikey, whose voice was pretty good, laughing at Zach and Cam. "You guys are really bad singers." He says. They all laugh. "It doesn't matter. Ella makes up for it." Zach says. I blush and change the song. "So... what do we do now?" Cam asks. I smile. "Now, we live our lives as normally as possible. Until the next problem faces us. And when that happens, we'll face it head on." Zach says.

We get to my house and I see Diego with Cole, Alice, and Xavier. "Hey guys!" I say. They all smile. "Hey Ella, Zach, Cam, Mikey." Alice says. Zach sits next to Xavier and I sit on his lap. "Did something happen while we were gone?" Mikey asks as we all gather around. "Actually, yeah, something did happen. I got a call from Emily asking me out. A girl, asking out a guy. It's weird, right?" I roll my eyes. "Diego, don't be like that." I say warningly. "Sorry. It's just, I've always had to ask out the girl I liked. And now, a girl asked me out." I smile as I lean back into Zach. "What did you say?" I ask. "Yes, obviously. I want to get to know the girl who asked me out."

Summer went by pretty fast, so did the school year. I became cheer captain and attended prom with Zach. The night was filled with romance. We went to UCLA to do the health program and I passed with all A's. Zach and I had decided to work in the same hospital too. We're just starting out, and it's a lot harder when there are people who see your lust for blood. I wonder how I'm going to explain it to them. Honestly, I want to make new friends. Becoming the surgeon that I want to be takes a lot. And my junior year, was just the beginning. But my story doesn't stop there. No. Too much happens when you're an adult. But I'm prepared to face everything with Zach by my side.


Hey guys! To answer two of your questions, yes, this is the last chapter. But... I will be making a sequel. It won't be up anytime soon and I'm really sorry about that, but trust me. It'll be worth the wait. I'll let you all know by posting an author's note here, after I post the first chapter. Thanks so much for being here with me while I had my ups and downs. I really love each and everyone one of you. Also, you should go on my profile and check out my other books. I promise you won't be disappointed. Until our next encounter my little Munchkins! (I don't know why I said that.)


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