The Odd Girl

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Told by TranInATrenchcoat

When I was younger, we had just moved into a new house. We lived in an apartment before that and now live here. My grandparents built it after taking down the building that was where it was.

I was young, so of course, when I had nightmares I would scream, run to my parents, and sleep with them. It was almost every night I had a nightmare which was kinda concerning. See, my parents grew up in bad parts of our state and so they sleep with the door open. Bad news for me, since open doors make me anxious.

After my parents slept, I was still awake. I would always look into the hallway out of curiosity. Every night I saw the same girl, long black stringy hair, full black eyes, short, pale as snow, and a long white torn dress. She looked at me like she wanted to hurt me or something. I'd whimper, but she didn't walk.

She just teleported around the outside of the door. Never inside. She was in all my dreams, watching me, and she's still in most of them. I've stayed out of my parents room since then and I always keep my door shut. It seems she can't enter certain rooms.

Recently, I haven't been thinking about her until a vivid nightmare last night. She was attacking me, like a bear. Clawing me out and biting me, blood and all that. I'm kinda scared, but I'm gonna dig into the old house's history and try to find out if anyone matching her description lived there. If I don't find anything, it's either some kinda demon, or just something my mind made up.

Contributor's Update:

I dug into the history and the original house that was built here was build in 1960. No deaths happened in the house that I could find. So I think it's a demon. I also heard three knocks last night.

 I also heard three knocks last night

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