The Glenn Tavern Inn

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Told by ThatCatUnderStars

I have had a few experiences myself, but I have this one that is really weird and I cannot determine whether it was my phone glitching out or whatever, or truly something paranormal. I also have some experiences that happened with my mom (we are both obsessed) that I would like to share.

My first experience (at least I'm pretty sure) happened at the Cosmopolitan in Old Town San Diego. You may have heard of it, it's pretty popular. Old Hotel in Old Town, right by the Whaley House, etc. It's been on a few TV shows as well (Ghost Adventures). We were doing that paranormal tour and it was like late-12 early-1 as we were walking through the Cosmopolitan.

We didn't bring any of our equipment and we were worried we'd disturb the tour group, but I had my phone taking pictures -- for the heck of it and a potential spooky photo. I was 11 at the time. So we were walking around this like... dining area and I shot a photo from a corner so I could get the whole area. My phone was around 71-72%. I pressed the "take photo" button and my phone just shut off. Completely shut off. I tried turning it on, and lo and behold, it was dead! From 71% to 0% in an instant. The screen was black with the little battery with the red and whatnot.

A good couple hours later, as we were on the drive back to where we were staying, I tried checking my phone for the heck of it. And of course, it turned on. However, it was at 8%. Super weird. Whether it's paranormal or not, it's hard to say. I'm no skeptic, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

My mom had some pretty interesting stuff happen at an inn in Santa Paula, at Glen Tavern Inn.

It's also pretty well-known, and it's also on the TV show Ghost Adventures. My mom had a light bulb explode on her once, and she was using her spirit box when she asked a question, "What's your job?" and you can hear a clear male voice say, "Cards."

On the episode of Ghost Adventures (I'm not a big fan of the show, but I watched episodes of places in California or near me), they also ask a similar question on their spirit box and once again, a male voice says "cards." My mom's friend once saw a (probably) drunk-appearing figure slouching in a corner when she worked there. She quit soon after.  


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