Friday (Prinxiety and just a hint of Logically)

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    A knock on the door, "Ok kiddo, it's time!" Patton said, walking down the next door.  "Almost ready!" Roman called back, rushing towards his closet and grabbing his fluffest PJs. Every other Friday, the traits would watch disney movies together. Patton and Logan would sit on the floor with their blankets and pillows while Anxiety and Roman would sit on the couch. No talking, no singing(but humming of course is aloud otherwise Roman would turn insane), and no glares, everyone together and just enjoying everyone's company. Roman wasn't worried about that though, his favorite part comes randomly. If Anxiety gets tired enough, he'll cuddle up to Roman without even realizing it. Roman secretly loved those small moments that proved Anxiety didn't really hate him, and he became dependent on them.
      Roman walked down the hall, happy to see Anxiety already on the couch. Roman looked over to the TV to see which movies they were watching this time. Three CDs sat on the TV stand, "Big Hero 6", "Aladdin," and "Pocahontas." Roman smiled, a great selection indeed. He plopped down on his side of the couch, "Let us begin the night of disney!" Roman got a sarcastic "Whoop" from Anxiety, "Agreed" from Logan, and "YAY!" from Patton. The four put on the first movie and came close together, Roman getting as close to Anxiety as possible without being suspious.
          After a while, Anxiety begain to feel tired. He normally doesn't​ get a lot of sleep, but being around all of his friends he feels so comfortable and safe that his eyes just want to close. He smiled when he saw Patton and Logan cuddling on the floor. Anxiety knew that tomorrow they will deny it and say that they were just cold, but it happens every other Friday night. Anxiety didn't see the point of them hiding it, they were such a cute couple, they just didn't know it yet. To be honest, Anxiety was a full on Logically shipper.
        Anxiety felt his head begin to droop, his eyes became heavy as well.
          Roman noticed this, scooting closer to the boy and allowing Anxiety to rest his head on Roman's chest. "Roman I'm fine, I'm just gonna lay on the arm rest," Anxiety mumbled into Roman's chest, not even bothering to move his head. "Why? We're both comfortable, why not just enjoy this peace while it's here?" Roman asked, looking away from the screen to Anxiety. "Because I'm Anxiety, it's my job not to be peaceful," Anxiety said, wrapping his arms around Roman's waist without even realizing it, taking a deep breath. "Think of it as a vacation," Roman teased, shifting so that he wasn't squishing Anxiety's arms. "What are you impling Princy?" Anxiety teased, blushing in Roman's chest without him knowing. "Ugh I do not like you," Roman teased, wrapping his arm around Anxiety, turning back to the TV. Anxiety took another deep breath, eyes getting droopier with every second.
      "Getting sleepy?" Roman mumbled, also feeling a wave of tiredness come over him. "A little bit," Anxiety admitted, eyes slowly closing. "Just don't drool ok?" Roman teased, sneaking glances at the (adorable) tired boy next to him. "No promises," Anxiety mumbled back, breaths going even. Roman just chuckled, looking over at the other two. Patton had his head snuggled into Logan's chest, Logan wrapping his arm around Patton's waist. Neither one of them were even watching the movie anymore, both cuddling while they slept. Roman thought he'd just go with the flow, placing a small kiss on Anxiety's forehead before drifting off.

(A/n: I've had this draft for like, 5 days now XD.......I cannot stop listening to "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran, it's so good! If you want I will make a part two to this because I really like where it's heading haha, good night people of the internet! I'll see you later you lil' Jelly Beans!)  I'm sorry if I mispelt a word, my computer keeps saying every other word is mispelt, and I normally go back to check at the end and now I can't, I'm really sorry about that mispelt word. good night! (hahaha sorry not sorry xD ok for real now, good night!!!)

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