Can I get you anything?

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    (Human AU)

    Roman waked down the street, eyeing the Starbucks on the corner.  Does he really want to go there for the 32nd time this week? He let his eyes wander around the street, trying to find someplace new.  "Spoons and Stables looks promising,"  Roman thought, crossing the street towards it. 

     He opened the door to the restaurant, taking in the smell of what could only remind of France. He sat down at a table and took in the aesthetic of the place, a warm brick building that made him feel like he was back in Paris with his family, his little sister was only 11 at that time. Now she's 16 and learning to drive-

    His thoughts were cut off by the voice of a waiter. 

   "Excuse me, sir, can I get you anything?" the waiter asked, writing something down on his paper. 

    Roman took in the sight in front of him. The man had a diamond piercing in his right ear and tattoos scattered all around his neck and possibly his back. Roman had high hopes that this man was attracted to men, for he had what appeared to be the LGBTQA+ flag tattoo below his left ear. 

    Roman didn't notice how long he was staring till he accidentally made eye contact with the man. He must have noticed all the staring, for he was staring right back at him with tinted cheeks. 

   Roman coughed awkwardly, "Can I please just have water for now? I'd like to look at the menu." 

      "Of course! That'll be one ice water-Oh shoot! I'm sorry, do you want ice in your water?" The man asked, scratching things off in his notebook before dropping the entire thing in general, quicking kneeling down to pick it up with red cheeks. 

    Roman smiled warming at the man, "Yes please." 

    The man relaxed, obviously grateful for how patient Roman was being. "Ok, coming right up," the man said, walking off to grab the water. 

Roman's eyes scanned the menu, but all he could think about was his waiter. He was extremely attractive and how easily flustered he was made him adorable. Roman's mind was already brainstorming a million ways to ask him out when a glass of water was sat by his hand. 

   "There you go," the man chirped, sitting the glass of water down and grabbing his pencil up from off the ground where he clumsily dropped it, "Anything else for you today?" 

     "I'll have today's specialty," Roman said, closing his menu and trying to look like he didn't just completely wing his order. 

   "Excellent choice," the waiter smiled, grabbing the menu and going to tell the chef what Roman wants. 

"Ok, when he gets back, ask him for his name and see if you can get his number. Then, strike up some small talk till you find some common interests," Roman told himself, grabbing some of the condiments to mess around with while he waited. 

    After what felt like three weeks, the man came back with his meal. He sat it down in front of Roman and smiled, "There you are. Also, this is on me by the way." 

    Roman stared at him with wide eyes, trying to think of something to respond with. After what felt like hours of a dry mouth and foggy brain, he finally thought of something semi-smooth to respond with.  "Well, if you're going to pay, you should at least have a bite. Join me, also a name wouldn't hurt." 

    "I don't know, the last time I told someone my name their ears exploded," the man teased, sitting down across from him. 

    "Try me," Roman teased back, leaning against the table between them. 

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