Blushing boys and playful pups

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   Thomas sat on his couch, scrolling through his social media. Funny dog videos filled his screen and he knew Patton has for sure hacked his Instagram.  He was just sitting and relaxing until Logan popped up beside him. Thomas flung himself to the other side of the couch in fear, nearly dropping his phone. 

       "Patton wants a dog," Logan said, straightening his glasses. 

      "Give a guy a warning will ya?" Thomas teased breathly, heaving over the couch. He sat up and took a breath, "Anyways, what about Patton?" 

    "He wants a dog," Logan repeated, picking up Thomas's phone and going through the search history. How to convince your son to want a dog. How to convince your friend to buy you a dog. How much are pugs? How much are corgis? How much does dog food cost? Thomas's search box was filled with dog-related questions. 

     Thomas sighed, "I really want a dog too! The only problem that I don't think we can afford it." 

      Logan sighed, "As much as I want to tell you "you're right and that we shouldn't", I can't. For some reason, I have a strong desire to make Patton happy and the thought of saying no to him makes my heart beat increase and precipitation to form on my hands and forehead." 

      Thomas started at him for a long time before replying, "Logan, do you like Patton?" 
   Logan looked at him, "Well, of course I do. Did I not just tell you I could never hate him? The thing is, I like Virgil too, but I have no problem saying no to him."
     "That's not what I mean," Thomas sighed, pinching his nose with a defeated smile, "Like, like like him?"
   Logan looked at him, trying to make sense of him, "You meant, like like like him?  Isn't that what you just said except with excess likes?"

"Do you want to be in a relationship with him?" Thomas asked, listening as silence struck the room as Logan pondered this question. 

     Logan coughed awkwardly, "I, I guess I'd like to advance our relationship more than I'd like to admit." 

    Thomas wiggled teasingly, "Ou! When ya gonna tell him?" he asked, resting his head on his arms in an intrigued manner.  

     Logan chuckled, "Never, it would be best to keep our work professional so that we aren't all goo-goo on camera. Plus, I wouldn't get any work done if I was constantly daydreaming about him." 

      "By the sound of it, you probably already do," Thomas teased, giggling as Logan looked at the camera with a bored expression. 

       "As I was saying," Logan said, desperate to change the topic, "We should go visit a place with dogs so he can at least be around dogs, I feel like it would improve his mood by 36.72%." 

    "What about the dogs Roman conjured?" Thomas asked. 

    "The dogs that Roman "makes" are just a figment of your imagination, and only last for a month. It's hard to bond with something that only stays with you for a short amount of time, but Patton tries. It hurts to watch." Logan admitted, feeling a sinking feeling in his chest. 

   "Oh, well I'm sure there are some local places we can look up to adopt a dog,  I'm sure they will have some we can afford," Thomas says, standing up to grab his computer. 

   Logan rushed to his side, eagerly looking through websites for Thomas finally stopped to look at a local house with non-expensive pups for sale. 

    "What breed are they? How long do they live?" Logan asked, pulling out his phone to do some research. 

      "Chill down there Alexander Hamilton," Thomas teased, clicking on the website. 

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