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       It was happening again. Virgil didn't know why he felt the way he did, but every little thing was stressing him out and he just needed some time to himself. The thing is, he was too scared to tell the others that he wanted to be left alone. Virgil feared that if he did this, they may not ever talk to him again. As pathetic as it sounds, it's easier to just ruin their day and make them think that he's just crabby than give them the actual reason. This way they don't think that he's some jerk that just randomly gets mad, as he feels.   

      "Hey, Virge!" Roman chirped, walking into Virgil's room with a bright grin.  

  Virgil hummed in response and turned to his other side, staring at his wallpaper. If he stared at that bright smile for too long, he'd probably go blind from how perfect it is. Even worse, he might accidentally smile back.

     Roman frowned, "You ok, Virgil? I uh, I noticed you were in a bit of a grumpy mood so um, I brought you a little gift."
    Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Roman shift his weight to the other foot. Roman's next sentence came out as a rush as he saw Virgil sit up to face him, "Of course if you don't feel like talking to me that's fine, I can always come back when you're-"
    "No, I'll bite," Virgil sighed as he turned around to face him with a teasing smile, "A 'little gift' sounds promising." Virgil rested his head on his hands as he smiled lazily at the man in front of him. 

      "Yes well," Roman chuckled nervously, "I don't necessarily have it on me at the moment, uh, can you be ready by 7?" 

  "Yeah, do I need to wear anything special? Tux? Sweatpants? Nothing?" Virgil asked the last question with a wink but went red immediately after seeing that Roman was smirking back at him.  Dang it, he'll just have to try harder the next time. 

    "As lovely as those three options sound, I think a hoodie and some warm pants would suit the occasion best." Roman walked up to Virgil with a sly grin, "And then maybe we can try those other options later." 

     Virgil gulped, giving a weak smile to Roman as he tugged at his sleeves nervously. To ease the tension, Roman playfully booped Virgil's nose and pranced out of the room.  

   Virgil checked the time. 5 pm. Two hours left to be antisocial and sulk on his phone and assume that everyone hates him. Virgil shifted back into a comfortable position and turned on his phone. Deciding that he'll get ready in a few, Tumblr seemed more important at the moment. Although, his mind may have been elsewhere as he scanned through the posts. Somewhere involving him and Roman, but he'd never admit that.      

6:30 pm. It was 6:30 pm and Virgil was just now deciding to get off his phone and try to find something to wear.  Virgil tugged at his sleeves as he scanned through his options. Black hoodie, black hoodie, another black hoodie, and oh, a black and purple hoodie.  

   Virgil threw on his clothing. He decided to go with his black and purple hoodie and some non-ripped black jeans. Roman did say to dress warmly after all. Virgil hoped that whatever Roman planned it was something that gave him reason to change up his normal attire. Were they going somewhere? Where were they going? Were the others coming along? Or were they going alone? 

    Virgil let himself think about them going alone somewhere together. Could that be considered a date? No, that's ridiculous. Just because Roman flirted with him sometimes doesn't mean that they would ever become a thing. Roman flirts with everyone, it's just kind of his thing. Virgil's heart sank as he thought this, but it immediately picked up again as he heard a knock on his door.  

   "Am I good to come in?" A teasing voice came from the door, "I'd hate to see one of the other options before schedule."  God, you could practically hear the smirk in his voice

    "You're good," Virgil called out. 

 Roman walked in with his hands behind his back. He walked with a certain sway that Virgil really only ever saw when he was trying to convince Thomas to ask a guy out. Virgil gulped. "There's no way this could be a date," Virgil thought, "Roman could never think of me li-

   "You ready to go?" Roman asked. He extended one of his hands out for Virgil to take. 

    Virgil nodded, staring at Roman's hands for a quick second before finally letting his fingers intertwine with his. Virgil felt electricity course through his body, but that probably was just from teleporting.  Although the ting in his heart was a little harder to explain. 

     Speaking of a ting in his heart, Virgil gaped breathlessly at the scene before him. Gold light blurred with the pinks and oranges of the sky. He wasn't really one to show his emotions, but the sight was too gorgeous to keep his emotions to himself. 

     "I was hoping you'd like it," Roman whispered behind him. Roman placed his hand on Virgil's shoulder, and Virgil pressed against the contact. As they stood there taking in the view, Virgil reminded himself to breathe. "It's not that big of a deal," Virgil reminded himself, "You're probably just overthinking this whole thing."   

   After Roman slid his hand down Virgil's arm and connected their hands, however, Virgil wasn't so sure. Then again, Roman's always been a bit of a flirt. It's exactly like him to make a romantic scene become as romantic as possible, isn't it? Regardless of who it is, Roman would never waste an opportunity. 

   "This isn't the only reason we're here though," Roman smiled, "I also brought some food, is spaghetti ok?" Suddenly, Roman had a giant, brown basket that very closely resembled a basket you would see in a romance movie where two people were about to have a picnic. 

Virgil laughed, hard. It was a loud, genuine laugh that made Roman's heart soar. After a couple of minutes of Virgil being hunched over himself looking like he was getting tickled by the invisible man, he spoke. "Of course, of course, you would have a picnic where the main course is spaghetti!" Virgil allowed himself to fall back into a fit of giggles as Roman rolled his eyes. 

   "Hey, I'm just trying to be a good date. I figured sandwiches would be too much of a cliche," Roman defended himself. 

  "And spaghetti is less of a cliche, how?" 

"Shut up!" 

"Whatever," Virgil laughed, "Spaghettis fine, let's just get this setup. Let me guess, there's a checkered blanket in there for us to lay on and watch the stars with?"  

    "So what if there is?" Roman said in a jokingly defense voice, pulling out said blanket. 

    Virgil helped him set up the picnic, feeling himself relax as the sunset and the black, blue and purple hue of the night sky started to appear. Virgil let out a soft giggle as Roman pulled out the spaghetti and Roman make a face at him. They shared a laugh as Roman made both their plates. 

   It took 15 minutes and for Roman to hold his hand for it to click. 

   "Wait, date?!" 

(A/N: So I like how I ended it(kinda) but I want to know if you guys want a part two? I have a couple of ideas but most of them end with the second part needing to be uploaded on my SSS book *eyebrows wiggle* 

Also hey it's been awhile, how are yall?

  Rn, I am super gay, I was at a softball game and I caught this one girl staring at me(at least I think she was, I'm probably just overthinking it). I kept looking over at her and I feel like we were flirting? Idk, probably not lol. I'm not good at that crap. Although it did look like her and her friends were giggling. Probably because this totally weird girl kept looking at her and they wanted to make fun of her. I'm probably never gonna see her again but that's ok. Also, my birthday is in 8 days, yay!!) 

Thomas Sander's sides one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora