Valentine's day (Prinxiety Logicality)

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(I tried to make this long without overdoing it so here I go. By the way, I'm doing most of this on a phone which absolutely SUCKS in my opinion because I can only type so fast with two fingers instead of ten). Also, Crofters. 

     "Thomas! Thomas!" Roman cried excitedly from his spot in the living room. Eagerly waiting for Thomas to make his way down the stairs. "It's Valentine's Day!"
      Thomas sighed, "You're right, February 14, 2018. Time really flies by, it does not seem like a year has passed already!"
      "Yeah yeah, but it's a day completely dedicated to love!" Roman sighed happily, "Could there ever be a better day?"
   "How about literally any other day besides today?" A bitter voice murmured from the stairs.
  "A yes, Grumpy Mc Grumpers disagrees, no offense," Roman mumbled with a sigh, "and do you have a reasonable reason why?"
    "Well, it's just a constant reminder we'll never find-"
    "Thomas! It's Valentine's day!" Patton said bouncing up in excitement, "Oh, shoot! Did I interrupt, continue!" Patton said, gesturing for Virgil to continue.
    "Nevermind, not important, but why are we celebrating Valentine's Day when we're alone?" Virgil questioned.
     "I thought we answered this last year," Logan remarked, popping up and straightening his glasses, "We all decided that we can celebrate all the different forms of love, not just romantic."
     "Yeah," Virgil said, adjusting his stance, "but isn't it a little strange that almost everyone we know has someone to brag about this year, and we only have friends and family to share too?"
    "Aww, come on now, Kiddo! Friends and family are important too!" Patton reminded him, offering a smile.
     A smirk crept on to Roman's face, "No, maybe he's right," he said, pretending to think.
   "What do you mean?" Thomas asked, "That was literally the point of the video last year, are we just going to change it back to trying to find me, someone?"
    "No, it's just someone as cute as Virgil shouldn't be left alone on Valentine's Day," Roman said, taking a dramatic pause to wink at Virgil, "Therefore, I shall spend the whole day with him by my side!"
     Roman teleported to Virgil, lazily wrapping an arm around him. "You're welcome," he purred in his ear teasingly, causing Virgil to hide his already flushed face.

     "Roman!" Patton scolded, "Did you even ask me? Did you even ask him?" 

     Roman smiled, "Ok, is it ok with you Patton?" 

      "If it's ok with Virgil, it's ok with me, otherwise you go back to your corner of the room!" Patton barked protectively. 

     Virgil mumbled something through his hands, obviously still embarrassed. He took a moment to recollect himself, before removing his hands from his face. "The internet is going to hear that, they are going to react to that, and see how I reacted," he rambled slightly, rubbing his face. 

      "Is that a yes or no?" Roman asked, "And remember, we can just edit all of this out if you're not comfor-" 

     "It's fine," Virgil cut off, I just was not prepared for anything like this, I never am, to be honest." 

        "Well, yay! I always thought you two would make an adorable couple!" Patton chirped, "But break my son's heart and I will actually break your face," Patton growled darkly, making Roman shrink back slightly. 

     "Noted," Roman mummers, holding Virgil's hand. "Well then, off we go!" Roman said giddily, perking up. 

      "Wait, I have so many questions!" Thomas yelled, but Roman already teleported away with Virgil. "Where are they going?" Thomas asked, "And what are they going to do? Are you guys allowed to date? Aren't you related? Would this count as loving myself? Didn't the fans-" 

     "Aww! Relax, kiddo!" Patton giggled, trying to stop him from asking too many questions. 

    "Do you know who I am? I have no chill," Thomas mumbled. 

     "Roman probably took him to his room and put on a movie or something, he teleported away for dramatic effect, he does it all the time," Logan said with a sigh, straightening his glasses. 

     Thomas laughed, "Ok, that actually makes sense, but are you guys allowed to date? You know what? I'm not going to question it, the fans will be happy," Thomas said, shaking his head. 

        (Writer's block proceeds to block my writing) (Phillipa's voice gives me life)  

          "What the hell, Roman?" Virgil snapped, pushing himself away from him. 

            "Sorry, but they needed to find out eventually," Roman laughed, sitting down on his couch. 

        "Yeah, but on camera?" Virgil asked, sitting down next to him. 

        "Well, I guess that was a bit extreme, are you mad?" Roman asked, turning to face his boyfriend.  

       "No, I'm just embarrassed," Virgil admitted, "How will the fans react? There's a lot of stuff going on about how people are "forcing gayness on the straights," which is stupid by the way," Virgil rambled anxiously, "and plus a lot of them ship me with Lo-" 

     "Don't remind me," Roman scoffed, pulling Virgil closer, "And let them think what they want! We don't owe them anything! If we're not enough for them, then they shouldn't even bother watching! Besides, have you seen the fan-art and fanfics? At least 75% of the fans ship us!" 

       "Yeah, but am I really worth losing subscribers for?" Virgil asked, voice barely above a whisper as he looked down with shame. 

      "Virgil, you forget that we are in this together," Roman said, putting his hand under Virgil's chin forcing him to look at him, placing a kiss on Virgil's forehead, "and you are worth dying for." 

       "I can't believe I just got that on camera," Thomas's voice came from the door. 


(four questions:
/Should you be doing homework right now? ;) \
/Should I retry smut? If so, should it be in a different book or something? One kid-friendly for when parents walk in the room and one for nights when you're up at 3 am?   Who makes the first move? Roman or Virgil? Patton or Logan?
/Question 3, is it possible to be SLIGHTLY genderfluid?????????? Is there a different gender for that? Imma look it up right now...if so. Surprise!..? \
Guess who's a Alexigender? Idk how to use it in a sentence, Google didn't even help me! I'll just stick with she/her pronouns though.

Should I make a part two?)




     Sept Huit nuef...

 you yoU YOU! 


*Michael in the bathroom starts blasting* 

 *Blasts Words Fail in your ears* 

*Blasts So Big/so Small* 

*basically any DEH song* 

Say hi to god...


*G  notes you* 


If you didn't cry, yay! 

If you cried, same. 

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