Dangerous game

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Looking both ways before I crossed the street, I darted to the car. I nervously jiggled the handle, and got in.

"About time!" Harvey huffed,

"Harvey! I just found out something I think you'd be interested in hearing."

"What'd you find out?"

"Well.. perhaps a little too much information." I clenched my teeth,

"SPILL!" Harvey nearly shouted,

"Jim was introduced to 'The Court of Owls' and possibly joined the council?!...." I bit my lip anxiously...

"HE DID WHAT?" Harvey hollered,


Harvey was stuttering on words he couldn't quite mutter anything except for sounds.

"That's it-" He started the ignition, "You Gordon's are a bunch of crazy people!"

"Tell me about it" I rolled my eyes playfully then added, "I'm gonna give my uncle a piece of my MIND whenever we get home, HOW could he do this to himself? TO ME? He's constantly putting himself in danger."

"I don't know kid, look at it this way, if something happens to him you can always come live with your uncle Harvey right?!" Harvey chuckled patting my shoulder.

All I did was sigh all the anxiety I had out of me.

We drove off the rest of the way in silence, thinking about what more trouble my uncle could be stirring up with this society he signed up for.

☁︎ ☆☁︎ ☁︎☆ ☁︎

Harvey and I parted our ways as we entered the GCPD, I decided I'd wait near my uncle's desk for his arrival back. Sure I'd pretend everything was fine and dandy while he's still at work, but the moment our tires hit home, I'd begin interrogating information out of him like there's no tomorrow.

As I was lost in deep thought, I saw a figure walk a few feet away from me in the corner of my eye. It was my uncle. I walked over and decided I'd start my plan.

"How'd everything go?"

He seemed a lot more calm than the attitude problem I had encountered earlier, thank GOD!


"That's great!!!" I said, my eyes trailing off to the clock, 6:21 PM

"Uhh.. Uncle Jim, What time do you think we'll be heading home?"

"I don't know, 20-25 minutes maybe?!"

"Hmm... Okay. BYE!"

I was terrible at keeping things on the down low, but if I could just keep myself together for the next 20-25 minutes, things would go as planned.

☁︎ ☆☁︎ ☁︎☆ ☁︎


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