Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

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Edit On: 7/30/19

Note: Harry DOES know about Percy's heritage and about the Greek Gods. I never really state it clearly in this book, but yes, Harry does know about Percy's background and adventures.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

"Come on, Harry, we gotta go!" Percy shouted toward the stables where his son was.

"Give me a sec, Dad!" Harry shouted back.

Percy sighed and glanced at the watch on his wrist, he had to be at the aquarium soon.

At least he would've had he not heard a pop nearby. His hand was instantly in his pocket gripping Riptide in pen form. "Who's there?" Percy asked as he started to tense, ready for a fight.

A tall woman with gray hair with hints of black wearing emerald-green robes came from the forest line looking a little disgruntled. "I apologize for no warning. My name is Professor McGonagall. Will today be a good day to pick up Mr.Jackson-Potters' things?" she asked

"I'm ready to go, Dad," Harry said as he exited the stables while rubbing his hands with hand-sanitizer.

"Change of plans, Kiddo. We're getting your school stuff," Percy told Harry before looking at McGonagall. "Let me make a phone call and then we can go."

The professor nodded as Percy got his phone out and speed-dialed his work so they would know that he wouldn't be in for the day.

After he hung up, the professor explained where the entrance to the alley was, she side-apparated the two males outside of the pub. Percy frowned when he realized he didn't see any pub in front of him.

At least he didn't until he remembered the mist was similar to magic. Trying to act unsuspicious, he put his hand over his heart and clawed it downward before thrusting his hand out.

Percy watched as the magic cleared for him and he saw a tiny, dirty pub that could probably use a fixer-upper but seems to hold lots of memories.

"This is the Leaky Cauldron, the entrance to the alley from the muggle world is through this pub. Be warned that Harry Jackson-Potter is famous in the Wizardry World. I recommend covering the scar on his forehead. The scar identifies him as Harry Potter," explained McGonagall.

Percy quickly took his work hat (it had the aquarium name and logo on it) from his back pocket and plopped it on his son's head. Harry fidgeted with the hat to make sure it covered his scar before signaling he was ready to go into the pub.

The inside of the pub was actually quite comfy. The lighting could probably use some work but it wasn't like they used Muggle Technology to light the room.

A few old women were sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry. One of them was smoking a long pipe. A little man in a top hat was talking to the old bartender, who was quite bald and looked like a toothless walnut. (- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Page 68)

Though, as the three of them walked into the pub, some of the chatter quieted. The girls in the corner were talking in hushed voices and the bartender spotted Professor McGonagall. "Ah, showing some more Muggleborn students around, Minerva?" he asked with a grin.

"That's correct, Tom. We need to be on our way. Please excuse us," she told the bartender as she directed Percy and Harry toward the back of the pub and to a small, walled courtyard.

"Now pay attention, Mr.Jackson-Potter. You're going to need to know this if you want to enter the alley again after today." McGonagall took her wand out and tapped certain bricks in the wall right across the backdoor of the pub.

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