Chapter 60: Yule Ball

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded


Harry pursed his lips as absently scratched Lunar's chin lightly. Luna had mentioned that Viktor had asked to go with him to the dance, knowing that most females that he would've gone with would've been after his fame and not because they really knew him.

He would've asked Hermione, but Blaise had beaten Viktor to it and had apparently asked Hermione near the beginning of the year because he heard from Draco about the Yule Ball.

Neville was going with Ginny Weasley, Draco with Astoria Greengrass (Daphne's little sister), and Daphne herself out right told the group she was going to go alone and if anyone dared ask her she would hex their balls off (though, the group knew she was going with Draco, they just wanted to make sure her sister attended).

Which meant that Harry didn't have a lot of options in his friend group, at least, ones that he was comfortable going with. He would've asked Cedric because there was nothing in the rules about champions going with each other, but Cedric was taking Cho and Fleur wasn't much of their friend just yet so Harry didn't really want to ask her.

Harry sighed in his alcove and felt stumped. He had no idea who to go to Yule with.

"Look, Fred! It's Harrykins!," a voice sounded behind him.

Harry felt a smile tug on his lips as he moved to look at the pair of twins that were now approaching him. "I know, George! What is the Little Hufflepuff doing lonesome?" asked the other twin.

They had grins on their faces and a mischievous glint in their eyes. At least, to those that didn't know the twins. The glint in their eyes was actually concern that was hidden as their eyes wrinkled just a little bit, showing their worry about why the social Hufflepuff that was Harry Potter was alone, hidden in an alcove.

"Trying to figure out a Yule date," Harry told one of the twins.

"Can't help you there, got a date myself," the one that had called the other George said, as he fixed his tie. Pride showing in his features.

"Congrats, George," Harry said with a smile as he identified that the twins had pulled a small fast one by switching their names up. In truth, Fred was the one that had spoken first when he pointed out Harry was in the Alcove, while George was the one that had asked why he was alone.

"Thank you," George said with a slight startled look before it quickly went away. The twins were still unused to someone who could actually correctly identify them.

"I would've thought Luna would go with you?" Fred asked as he sat beside Harry.

"She's going with Viktor. But I think it was said that she and Astoria were going to ditch their dates eventually and hang out. I don't really know, when I asked them to clarify they just said it was girl stuff," Harry said with a small scrunch in his nose. He figured he would never understand the female gender.

"Rough. What about one of your other friends?" George asked as he sat on Harry's other side.

"No can do, everyone is pretty much partnered up. The ones that I feel comfortable taking at least. Did you find a date Fred?" Harry asked curiously.

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