Chapter 41: The Patronus

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded

With New Years over, Harry and Professor Lupin finally got to the point where Lupin felt confident enough that they could move from the theory to the practical part of learning the Patronus.

At eight o'clock on Thursday evening, Harry left Hufflepuff Common Room for the History of Magic classroom. It was dark and empty when he arrived, but he lit the lamps with his wand and had waited only five minutes when Professor Lupin turned up, carrying a large packing case, which he heaved onto Professor Binns' desk.

"What's that?" said Harry.

"Another boggart," said Lupin, stripping off his cloak. "I've been combing the castle ever since our last lesson regarding them, and very luckily, I found this one lurking inside Mr. Filch's filing cabinet. It's the nearest we'll get to a real dementor. The boggart will turn into a dementor when he sees you, so we'll be able to practice on him. I can store him in my office when we're not using him; there's a cupboard under my desk he'll like."

"Okay," said Harry, trying to sound as though he wasn't apprehensive at all and merely glad that Lupin had found such a good substitute for a real dementor.(- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Page 237)

"Remember to focus on a very happy memory," Lupin said as he stood to the side of the packing case, reading to release to boggart.

Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes. What would be a significant good memory. Maybe the day he left the Durselys?

Thinking of the memory, Harry opened his eyes and nodded to his professor who opened the case.

Immediately, the air became cooler and the fake magic similar to a dementor leaked from the case as Harry came face to face with the Dementor the Boggart turned into.

Steeling himself, Harry focused on the memory and tried the spell.

"Expecto Patronum," shouted Harry.

Silvery wisp exited his wand, like it was in gas form, and blasted against the dementor. The fake dementor flinched back, but it didn't seem enough as it continued on its way.

"Riddikulus," Harry said again, feeling paler and was losing some feeling in his fingers.

The boggart was driven back into the case so Harry and his professor could talk more without worrying about it.

"Very nice work," Lupin said, his tone portraying how proud he was, "You got the wisp which is far more than some other magicals have gotten. It's just not as strong enough to really push back a dementor. What type of memory did you choose, if you don't mind me asking?" Lupin asked as he leaned against Professor Binns desk.

"It was the day my dad got my away from the Dursleys. Though, looking back, those feelings were more curious and scared with hope. I don't think it's quite happy memories for me, at least not the in-the-moment memory that we're searching for," Harry explained.

Lupin was nodding and seemed thoughtful. "Are most of your happy memories with your father?"

"That's correct," confirmed Harry.

"Then perhaps, was there a certain day that you went somewhere, or he might've given something to you, that has a lot of sentimental value. Something that every time you think about makes you happy?" Lupin asked

Harry went quiet for a moment. The only thing he thought would draw enough power for the patronus charm was special to him. "I think I have it professor, can we test it," Harry asked quietly.

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