I will have my revenge Ashley!!!

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They spent the day at the carnival and to the guys disappointment they didn’t come across any clowns. “You guys are assholes if you want to see me having a panic attack. I’m glad my pain excites you.” She said poking at Ashley playfully.

                They all got home tired and smelling of carnies. Hannah went for a shower and came back to the guys watching “Batman Forever” with their feet up on the coffee table. Andy spotted her and moved over so that she could sit with him. She shook her head and said “There’s no way in hell I’m sitting with any of you until you shower. Y’all smell homeless.” Andy gave her a pouty face and the band laughed. Hannah raised an eyebrow doubting that they were in fact challenging her. She stood her ground. “I’m not going to sit with any of you or make dinner!” She shot back. They all stopped laughing. She smirked. They all looked at her as if she took all their beer away and threatened to never give it back. Hannah jumped out of the way as they all booked it the only bathroom that the six of them now shared. Hannah laughed as she could hear everyone yelling at CC to not take all the hot water.

                Hannah started making meat balls and spaghetti and one by one the boys came out smelling fresh and new. She was too distracted to see Ashley grab a piece of ice and walked behind her and slipped it down her shirt. She screamed and tried to move away but he hugged her from behind. CC and Jake laughed as he pressed the ice into her skin. It melted fast and Hannah turned to face Ashley with a death glare. “I see how you want to play.” She smirked with an evil grin. “Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. I swear to sweet baby jesus Ashley Purdy I will get my revenge. And when you think I have forgotten and you think you’re safe then BAM!” She clapped her hands in front of his face and laughed as he flinched. She turned back to making her tomato sauce. She heard Ash chuckle behind her. “Hit me with your best shot.” Jinxx yelled “oooooo shit just got real!” “What just got real” Andy asked as he entered the room in grey track pants and a black tank top. Jake filled him in and laughed.

                Dinner was made, ate and cleaned up when everyone sat down to finish the Batman movie they were watching from before. One by one they left for bed and soon it was just Andy and Hannah for a while. Hannah yawned and snuggled in Andy’s chest. The movie ended and they just stared at the black screen enjoying each other’s company. The silence was broken by the ring of Hannah’s phone. She looked at the caller ID and it came up UNKNOWN. “Hello?” she said and was greeted by a crying girl.

“Hannah?” the voice rang out.

“Nikki?” Hannah knew that voice all too well.

“Hannah I need your help. Hannah….” And she burst into tears. Andy could hear what was happening through the phone and gave Hannah a concerned look. “Nikki, where are you?” Nikki gave Hannah where she was and both Andy and Hannah jumped into the car and drove.

Half an hour later they found Nikki standing on the sidewalk crying. Her shirt had been torn and one heel was missing. Eyeliner ran down her face and her hair looked as if she hadn’t touched a brush in weeks. They parked the car and Hannah ran over to her friend and they both sat on the sidewalk, Hannah just letting Nikki cry there. Hannah whispered comforting things to her and got her calm enough to get in the car. Andy drove while Hannah sat in the back with Nikki.

                Hannah and Andy helped her get into the house and Hannah took her into the bathroom to get her cleaned up. Hannah put Nikki in her bed and sighed as she came back out and sat with Andy. Andy had made tea and they both watched the steam rise from each of their mugs.

                When both mugs were empty, Hannah started to set up a blacket and pillows on the couch when Andy stopped her. “You can sleep in my room, I’ll sleep here.” She just shook her head. “No I don’t want to take your bed from you.” Andy smiled. “How ‘bout a compromise? We both sleep in the bed?” Hannah smiled and raised an eyebrow. Andy realised what he said and laughed in embarrassment. “It didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”  “Hannah nodded her head. She knew what he meant and she knew that he wouldn’t try anything with her. Andy went into her room to change into pjs and Andy went to his room to clear a pathway to his bed. “Typical teenage boy. Clothes everywhere.” Hannah laughed. “Sorry, my maid’s on vacation” he said sarcastically.

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