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Ok this is one of the big ones. Ok can someone catch me up on Andy and Juliet??  Are they broken up?? Are they getting married in 2 days?? What the hell is going on??? I’m so confused.

“Nothing fucking fits goddamn it!!!”

Andy was laying across the bed reading one of Hannah’s Rolling Stone magazines while she looked for something that would fit an 8 month pregnant lady.

“Hannah you look fine in everything that you already tried on!” Andy called out, not looking up from the magazine. Hannah hit him in the face with a shirt in response. She stood in the doorway of the closet and just gave him her worst death glare. He just smirked at her. She stood there in only pj shorts and a bra. She pointed at him, shirt in hand and said, “I blame you for this.”

She went back to digging through the clothes that were on the floor. A burst of pain shot through her abdomen. She placed her hand on the bottom of her swollen belly and took a couple deep breaths. Andy saw the look of pain on her face and instantly stood up off the bed and went over to help her. He grabbed her hand and rubbed her back as the pain faded away. She straightened her spine and gripped Andy’s shoulder. He led her to the bed so she could sit down.

“Andy, I’m fine. It passed.” Andy didn’t believe her. Hannah just threw on a shirt that was three sizes too big and threw her hair up in a bun. “Are you sure you’re ok?” Andy asked carefully. He didn’t want to piss of the hormonal lady who was carrying his child. She rolled her eyes and left the room.

She saw that Julia was sitting on the couch with food, movies and blankets, all ready for their girl’s night. Ever since she and Ashley started dating, the two girls had become close friends really fast. Like they were separated at birth.

Hannah awkwardly sat down and pulled a blanket over her lap. “Andy can you go get me some pickles?? OH and more Nutella?? Please??” She gave him her best puppy eye look. She knew he was going to get it anyways but she did the look anyways.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed her car keys and left. Julia looked at her in amazement. Hannah peeked over and saw her look of aw. “What? Do I have something on my face?” She just shook her head and focused on Ryan Reynolds.

After watching 15 minutes of the movie Hannah felt another jolt of pain in her abdomen. She gasped at the suddenness of the pain. She gripped her stomach and the armrest of the love seat. Concern fell on Julia’s face.

Instead of the short jolt of pain like before, this one was a little longer.  It did pass and she sighed. “Hannah, are you alright?” She rubbed her back as gave a shaky laugh and nodded.

They went back to watching the movie but Julia kept looking over at Hannah with worry. Another 15 minutes went by and another jolt of pain hit her. It was longer and more painful than the last. But Hannah was stubborn enough to not show how much pain she really was in.

“Hannah, you’re not ok.” She ignored her friend’s protests and just took some deep breaths. Then she felt like someone hit her with a truck. She screamed in pain as something wet fell to the floor. Hannah’s wide eyes snapped up and looked at Julia who was looking back at her with shock on her face.

“I think my water just broke.”

Tears cascaded down her face. Julia held everything together on the outside but on the inside she was having a panic attack but she knew she had to be there for her friend.

She ran upstairs to grab a diaper bag and threw in some clothes and diapers. She grabbed Hannah’s overnight bag from her and Andy’s room and rushed back down stairs where Hannah was hyperventaling.

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