Jedi Archives

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Luke hesitantly tapped the blue circle. It disappeared, and switched to a black screen. Just then a hologram appeared on the desk. It was of Yoda. He looked younger.

The Grand Master cleared his throat and began talking. "Greetings Young Skywalker. If able to retrieve this message you were, than a full Jedi you have now become. If know me you do not, Grand Master Yoda I am. Heard of me I'm sure you have from Master Obi-Wan who trained you."

Luke looked to Raina who looked just as surprised as he did.

Yoda continued. "Many questions I'm sure you have. Try my best to answer them, I will."

Luke focused only on Yoda now. Maybe he would answer some of his questions.

"If a full Jedi you have become, made it to the Jedi Temple you have and successfully accessed the archives, then destroyed the Sith and defeated the Empire you must have. If so then on behalf of all the Jedi Order and the Force itself, thank you I do.
Hard to hear, the news of your true parentage, I'm sure it was. Brave and strong you are to have stayed with the light. Worry do I, that never see this message will you for that reason alone." Master Yoda paused looking down.

Luke looked at the image of Yoda sadly. He must have made the message right before going into hiding and right after Luke had been born.

"On your own now you are. A young man you have become. Direction on what to do next you will need. Now that you are a full Jedi, begin re-building the New Jedi Order you must. In these archives, everything you need to know to re-build The Order, there is.
Follow them to the letter you must. Leave nothing out. Some aspects, changeable they are, but the main building blocks of the Jedi, unchangeable and unmoving they should be." Yoda explained sternly.

Luke nodded in understanding.

"To re-build your order you will need students. Go out and search for Padawans you must. Younglings and young adults who are Force sensitive, you must find. Easier are he younglings to train, but desperate times yohu will be in. Do not be distressed. The Force extends all over the galaxy it is not just limited to one planet or sector." Yoda assured him.

Luke felt a sense of comfort in what Yoda had said. His former master continued. "Be patient with your students for they will be trying at times, but the after affect is what we masters work for." Yoda smiled and then continued.

"Control your emotions, never let fear or anger control you. Meditate offend. If you do this, calm and at peace will you be." He paused.

"If any other questions have you, look through the archives you must. Find in the archives you will, all that you need to know. If find them you do not, throughout the Temple look and  answers you will find to all your questions." Yoda instructed.

"There is one more thing you must know. Hard for you to understand this will be, but hear it you must. . .Luke, there is another Skywalker."

Luke blinked. This meant that Yoda wasn't planning on having Ben ever telling him? His original plan was to have Luke learn it now?

Yoda continued. "Your twin sister she is. Separated were you both when you were born, to protect you from your father and the Emperor. Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan is she. Adopted by Senator Bail Organa and Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan she was. Safe she is. Know they do of your father and the Emperor. Know of you as well do they."

This news surprised Luke. Leia's adopted parents had known about everything!

Yoda continued. "To Leia you must go and tell her all that you have heard. Teach her the ways of the Force you should. Strong is she with the force."

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