First Lesson

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Raina's POV.

Luke had gone to the palace to give Leia her first lesson. Today Raina would be giving Jacen his first lesson. Raina was quite nervous. She didn't want to fail. Raina had never taught anyone before, well except for Luke, but that was different and a long time ago. Luke had been her close friend and it had been a lot more casual that time. This time was different. Jacen was a kid and he saw Raina as a teacher.

Raina was waiting in the room of 1,000 fountains. She believed it to be an ideal place for connecting with the Force. Soon she felt Jacen's presence nearing. Raina stood up straight and folded her hands behind her back.

'Calm. Calm. A master is at her best when she is calm and at peace.' She thought.

Then she looked up. 'Oh, I wish Luke were here. His presence soothes me. Ugh! Raina stop it. You can't feel that for him anymore it will only bring you pain now.' She scolded herself.

Soon the doors opened.

'Focus, Raina.'

Jacen walked in. He was wearing his new Jedi robes that Luke had bought for him. He bought them from a seamstress who remembered the Old Jedi robes. She had originally wanted to give them as a gift, but Luke insisted on paying her. Jacen looked around the room in awe. He reminded her of how she had acted when she had first seen the place with Luke.

"Good afternoon Jacen." She greeted him.

"Good afternoon, Master Starlight."
He walked up to her. "This place is magnificent!"

Raina smiled. "It is. I reacted very much the same way when Master Skywalker first brought me here."

"It's beautiful. Almost cereal." He commented.

"It is. Come."

She lead Jacen over to a near by rock that was next to a small waterfall and some trees.

"Sit and cross your legs." She instructed.

Jacen nodded and sat on the rock.

"For you first lesson I'm going to teach how to connect with the Force." She explained.

"What exactly is the Force?" He asked.

Raina paused for a moment. How would she explain this? Now she really wished Luke were here.

"Okay so, the Force is. . .its. . ."

How could she make him understand? Raina tried to remember how Ashoka had taught her.

". . .It's an entity. It binds everything in the galaxy and flows through every life Force. It breaths life and brings balance to the galaxy." She explained.

Jacen nodded.

"Here. Close your eyes." Raina lead Jacen through the relaxation exercises.

"What do you feel?" Raina asked.

"I feel. . .life, death, light, darkness,. . . balance. A. . .Force." He said.

"And where do you feel this Force?" She asked.

"I feel it. . ." He paused and smiled.

"Everywhere. It's everywhere. Flowing in and through everything. . .even me." Raina smiled.

"Yes. Even you. This is what the Force is Jacen. What you feel. That's the Force." She explained.

"Wow. I've never felt anything like it." He whispered.

He opened his eyes.

"You just took your first steps to becoming a Jedi." She smiled.

Jacen smiled back.

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